Air Photo of the Temple of No-Amun at Karnak

The Temple of Amun at Karnak. This Temple was erected by the pharaohs of the Bible. It is interesting that the Temple of Amun at Karnak was the most important place of worship in ancient Egypt for six centuries from 1550 BC. Today there is a breathtaking display of archaeological remains on the east bank of the Nile, at the site of Thebes, the glory and capital of Egypt from the. Of the 18th Dynasty. It is called No in the Bible, but it is the Temple of No-Amun, the local deity of Thebes who was later identified as Ra the sun-god. In this aerial view of the Temple noticed the to obelisks, these were set up to the Jubilee of Queen Hatshepsut, the Queen that many scholars have identified as the one who rescued Moses in the Nile River.

Temple At Karnak in Ancient Egyptian Temples
Ancient Images
Bible History Online

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