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The Religion of Rome


Statue of Mars

Early Times

- The early Romans worshipped spirits which they believed inhabited trees, rivers, fires, rocks, and houses.

- Their earliest religious ceremonies were performed in the home where a special altar called The Lararium was erected for the household gods who watched over the family and the home.

- The Lar (represented as a gay dancing human figure) was the spirit that guarded the land.

- The Penates (represented as snakes) protected the food (pantry) and the grain (barn)

- They were both friendly spirits and every day the father placed small offerings(honey cakes & wine) on the altar and fresh flowers 3 times a month.

Later on

-As time passed the spirits became personified

- The hearth fire was worshipped as the goddess Vesta (The Vestal Virgins were young unmarried girls chosen to guard and care for the fire that burned continually in her honor).

- They organized public rituals for the most popular gods (Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, and Mercury)

- Gradually a state religion developed with priests, ceremonies, omens, and sacrifices.

- Religion was soon identified with patriotism

- Gods were worshipped and rituals performed because the safety of Rome depended upon them

- The state religion had no doctrines or moral codes, no promise of a happy afterlife, demanded obedience

- After the death of Augustus Caesar in 14 AD., a new idea was added to the state religion, a belief that the ruler was divine and a descendant of the gods.

- Soon every emperor was worshipped as a god during his life and at death temples were erected for him

- Many Romans also worshipped Isis (an Egyptian goddess) and Mithra (a Persian god) for more exciting rituals, personal religion and promises of afterlife.

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