The Life of Jesus in Harmony | Index


GIRDLE. an article of clothing

To "gird [or girdle] up the loins" is a common expression in the KJV for putting one's self in readiness for any service that might be required (Lk 12:35); also to "gird your minds for action" (1 Pet 1:13). The girdle was a symbol of strength, activity, and power (Job 12:18; Is 23:10; 45:5; 1 Kin. 20:11).

Righteousness and faithfulness are called the "girdle" of the Messiah (Is 11:5, KJV; NASB and NIV, "belt"), and the perfect adherence of the people of God to His service is spoken of as the "cleaving of the girdle to a man's loins" (Jer. 13:11, KJV).