The Life of Jesus in Harmony | Index

great tribulation


This is the period of unparalleled suffering that, according to premillennial eschatology, will precede the establishment of the future kingdom of Israel (Acts 1:6). The trouble will be upon the entire earth (Rev 3:10). Yet in a distinctive sense it will center upon Jerusalem and Palestine, being called by Jeremiah specifically "the time of Jacob's distress" (Jer 30:7).

The Jews were the chosen people of God. They were in covenant with Yahweh. All others were considered idolators by the Jews. In the time of Jesus the Jews unjustly felt contempt for all gentiles.

Yet the Lord made it clear that he placed Israel in the center of the world as a light to the whole world. They were the chosen people because they would give the Written Word of Yahweh to the world and ultimately bring forth the Living Word of Yahweh Jesus. But they rejected God's truth and rejected His Messiah.

Therefore God has temporarily set aside the nation (throughout the church age) and will again arise on their behalf after a time of great tribulation (Jacob's trouble or testing) when they humble themselves before the risen LORD.

The Great Tribulation is identical with the last three and one-half years of Daniel's seventieth week of years (Dan 9:24-27; Rev 11:2-3). The gigantic wars, cataclysms, pestilences, etc., that befall the earth are actually the manifestation of the risen, victorious Christ taking an open hand to claim His redeemed rights to the earth in preparation for the divine program involving His people on the earth.(See Ruth and Jeremiah)