The Life of Jesus in Harmony | Index

Jesus Washing Feet Picture

jesus00000045.gifThe last supper was really reclining at a table rather than sitting on chairs as we do today. It was an eastern custom of the times to have dinner beds (Mk 7:4) for reclining or lying down for a meal. The Romans had 3 beds with room for 3 on each bed (9 in all). The Jews went beyond this number. The front of the bed was higher than the table with the feet declining toward the floor. They probably ate while leaning their breasts upon cushions and also turned upon the left side, leaning upon the elbow as with John, who leaned upon the bosom of Jesus at supper (Jn 13:23). The job of the servant was to wash the feet of those who would enter from the dusty road of travel. Jesus seized upon this example in Jn 13 to illustrate what true greatness was by washing His disciples' feet.