The Life of Jesus in Harmony | Index

Loaves and Fishes Picture

This mosaic behind the altar of the Church of the Multiplying of the Loaves and Fishes at El-Tabgha in Israel reveals how important Christian symbols were such as these fish and bread. The basket of loaves is full (2 whole loaves and 2 halves, each marked with a cross).

The early Christian writer Tertullian, compared the newly baptised to little fishes, following the larger fish through the waters of baptism.

Jesus said He would make the disciples, "fishers of men" after the miraculous catch, symbolizing their successful missionary endeavors.

The risen Christ met the disciples on the shore offering them bread and fish

The greek word for fish "ichthus" was an acrostic for

Iesous (i)

Christos (ch)

Theou (th)

Uios (u)

Soter (s)

Jesus Christ, Gods's Son, Saviour