The Life of Jesus in Harmony | Index


From Aram. te'oma', "twin"). One of the twelve apostles, he was also called Didymus, its Gk. equivalent.

He is said to have been born in Antioch, but is also considered by some a native of Galilee, like most of the other apostles (Jn 21:2).

In the first three gospels there is an account of his call to the apostleship (Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lk 6:15). The rest that we know of him is derived from the gospel of John.

Early traditions, as believed in the fourth century, represent him as preaching in Parthia, or Persia, and as finally being buried in Edessa. Later traditions carry him farther E. His martyrdom is said to have been occasioned by a lance.