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(Gk. metamorphoo, to "change into another form").

It is recorded (Mt 17:2; Mk 9:2) that our Lord "was transfigured" before His disciples Peter, James, and John; and this is explained (Lk 9:29): "And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming." Each of the evangelists represents it as taking place about eight days after the first distinct mention Jesus made to them of His approaching sufferings, death, and resurrection.

The location is merely given asa high mountain, which is traditionally thought to have been Mt. Tabor; but as Jesus was at this time sojourning in the neighborhood of Caesarea Philippi, it seems likely that it was one of the ridges of Hermon. While our Lord was praying He was "transfigured," i.e., His external aspect was changed, His face gleaming like the sun, and His clothing being so white that it shone like light. The cause of this appearance was that His divine glory shone out through His human form and was not, as in the case of Moses, caused by God's having appeared to Him.