Map of the Roman Empire - Thebes
M-6 on the Map
Ancient Thebes - Thebes was the capital city of Upper Egypt, and the city of the god Amon, with marvelous temples, royal tombs etc. (Luxor, Karnak, Medinet Habu, etc.) Thebes is mentioned in the Bible by the name 'No' as in Jer. 46:25; Ezek. 30:14-16; and Nah. 3:8.
Jer. 46:25 - The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and [all] them that trust in him:
Ezek. 30:14 - And I will make Pathros desolate, and will set fire in Zoan, and will execute judgments in No.
Nah. 3:8 - Art thou better than populous No, that was situate among the rivers, [that had] the waters round about it, whose rampart [was] the sea, [and] her wall [was] from the sea?
Thebae (Θῆβαι), in the poets sometimes Thebé (Θήβη; Dor. Θήβα), later
Diospŏlis Magna (Διόσπολις Μεγάλη, i. e. “Great City of Zeus”), in Egyptian
Tuabu, in Scripture No or No The capital of Thebaïs, or Upper Egypt, and, for a
long time, of the whole country. It was reputed the oldest city of the world. It
stood in about the centre of the Thebaïd, on both banks of the Nile, above
Coptos, and in the Nomos Coptites. It is said to have been founded under the
first dynasty by Menes; but this is unsupported by any evidence. Others ascribed
its foundation to Osiris, who named it after his mother, and others to Busiris.
It appears to have been at the height of its splendour, as the capital of Egypt,
and as a chief seat of worship of Ammon, about B.C. 1330 under the Nineteenth
Dynasty. The fame of its grandeur had reached the Greeks as early as the time of
Homer, who describes it, with poetical exaggeration, as having a hundred gates,
from each of which it could send out 200 war chariots fully armed ( Il. ix.
381). Homer's epithet of “HundredGated” (ἑκατόμπυλοι) is repeatedly applied to
the city by later writers. Its real extent was calculated by the Greek writers
at 140 stadia (fourteen geographical miles) in circuit; and in Strabo's time,
when the long transference of the seat of power to Lower Egypt had caused it to
decline greatly, it still had a circuit of eighty stadia (Diod.i. 50; xv. 45;
Strabo, pp. 805, 815). That these computations are not exaggerated is proved by
the existing ruins, which extend from side to side of the valley of the Nile,
here about six miles wide; while the rocks which bound the valley are perforated
with tombs. These ruins, which are perhaps the most magnificent in the world,
enclose within their site the four modern villages of Karnak, Luxor (El Uksur),
Medînet Habou, and Kurna—the two former on the eastern and the two latter on the
western side of the river. They consist of temples, colossi, sphinxes, and
obelisks, and, on the western side, of tombs, many of which are cut in the rock
and adorned with paintings, which are still as fresh as if just finished. These
ruins are remarkable alike for their great antiquity and for the purity of their
style. It is most probable that the great buildings were all erected before the
Persian invasion, when Thebes was taken by Cambyses, who secured treasure to the
amount of some $10,000,000, and burned the wooden habitations, after which time
it never regained the rank of a capital city; and thus its architectural
monuments escaped that Greek influence which is so marked in the edifices of
Lower Egypt. Among its chief buildings, the ancient writers mention the
Memnonium, with the two colossi in front of it, the temple of Ammon, in which
one of the three chief colleges of priests was established, and the tombs of the
kings. See Memnon.
To describe the ruins in detail, and to discuss their identification, would far
exceed the possible limits of this article. Suffice it to mention among the
monuments on the western (Libyan) side the three temples of Seti I., Rameses
II., and Rameses III. Near the second is the fallen colossus of Rameses II., the
largest statue in Egypt. (See Rameses.) Beyond is the terraced temple of Queen
Hatasu of the Eighteenth Dynasty, near which a remarkable series of mummies and
papyri were found by Brugsch in 1881. At Medînet Habou is a great temple of
Rameses III., with interesting sculptures describing his victories over the
Philistines, and also a calendar. Northwest of this are the cemeteries of the
sacred apes and the Valley of the Tombs of the Queens (seventeen sepulchres). On
the eastern bank at Luxor is the beautiful temple of Amenoph III., with an
obelisk whose fellow now stands in the Place de la Concorde at Paris. At Karnak
is a splendid group of temples built under the Twelfth Dynasty. The finest
portion of this maze of architectural magnificence is the Great Hall, 170 by 329
feet, with twelve imposing columns 62 feet in height and 12 feet in diameter,
and 122 minor columns, and two obelisks, of which one is the tallest in Egypt,
being 108 feet in height. On the walls are fine sculptures depicting the battles
of Seti I. and Rameses II. against the Hittites, Arabs, Syrians, and Armenians.
In one of the porticos is recorded the expedition of Shishak I. against
Jerusalem in B.C. 971. In classical times Thebes was a great showplace, and was
visited by both Greek and Roman tourists, among the latter being the emperor
Hadrian. - Harry Thurston Peck. Harpers Dictionary
of Classical Antiquities. New York. Harper and Brothers.
Thebes (Θῆβαι, Thēbai, Arabic: طيبة, Ṭībah) is the Greek name for a city in Ancient Egypt located about 800 km south of the Mediterranean, on the east bank of the river Nile. The Valley of the Kings is located in Thebes. It was inhabited beginning in around 3200 BC[1]. It was the eponymous capital of Waset, the fourth Upper Egyptian nome. Waset was the capital of Egypt during part of the 11th Dynasty (Middle Kingdom) and most of the 18th Dynasty (New Kingdom), when Hatshepsut built a Red Sea fleet to facilitate trade between Thebes Red Sea port of Elim, modern Quasir, and Elat at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba. Traders bought frankincense, myrrh, bitumen, natron, fine woven linen, juniper oil and copper amulets for the mortuary industry at Karnak with Nubian gold. With the 19th Dynasty the seat of government moved to the Delta. The archaeological remains of Thebes offer a striking testimony to Egyptian civilization at its height. The Greek poet Homer extolled the wealth of Thebes in the Iliad, Book 9 (c. 8th Century BC): "... in Egyptian Thebes the heaps of precious ingots gleam, the hundred-gated Thebes." The name Thebai is the Greek designation of the ancient Egyptian opet "The Karnak Temple" (from coptic ta-pe, Ta-opet became Thebai). At the seat of the Theban triad of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu, Thebes was known in the Egyptian language from the end of the New Kingdom as niwt-imn, "The City of Amun." This found its way into the Hebrew Bible as נא אמון nōʼ ʼāmôn (Nahum 3:8),"no" in Hebrew meaning city with "no amon" or "City of Amon" referring to the Egyptian deity Amon-Ra, most likely it is also the same as נא ("No") (Ezekiel 30:14). In Greek this name was rendered Διόσπολις Diospolis, "City of Zeus", as Zeus was the god whom the Greeks identified with Amun, see interpretatio graeca. The Greeks surnamed the city μεγάλη megale, "the Great", to differentiate it from numerous other cities called Diospolis. The Romans rendered the name Diospolis Magna. In modern usage, the mortuary temples and tombs on the west bank of the river Nile are generally thought of as part of Thebes. The two great temples, now called Luxor (Arabic: الأقصر, Al-Uqṣur, "The palaces") and al-Karnak (الكرنك), the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens are among the great achievements of ancient Egypt. - Wikipedia
Thebae, (Tape, "head," Diospolis Magna, No-Ammon), capital of Thebais, and later of all Egypt, on both banks of the Nile, bet. Apollinopolis Parva and Tuphium, below Hermonthis. Built by Busiris. Surnamed Hecatompylos traditionally from its 100 gates, each of which, it was said, could send forth 200 men, with horses and chariots; but in reality Thebes was a city without walls. The gates in question were probably those of its many temples. In the quarter called Tathyris, " sacred to Athor," on the left bank of the Nile, was the famous Memnonium. The city was almost entirely destroyed by Cambyses. Luxor, Carnac, Gournou, and Medeenet-Haboo. - Classical Gazetteer
THEBAE (Θῆθαι, Hdt. 1.182, 2.42; Strab. xvii. pp. 805,815, foil.; Thebe, Plin.
Nat. 5.9. s. 11), the No (Ezekiel, 30.14) or NO-AMMON (Nahum, vv. 3, 8) of the
Hebrew Scriptures; at alater period DIOSPOLIS the Great of the Greeks and Romans
(Διόσπολις μεγάλη, Ptol. 4.5.73; Steph. B. sub voce was one of the most ancient
cities of Aegypt, and even, according to Diodorus (1.50, comp. 15.45), of the
world. Its foundation, like that of Memphis, was attributed to Menes, the first
mortal king of Aegypt, i. e. it went back to the mythical period of Aegyptian
history. By some writers, however, Memphis was reported to have been a colony of
Thebes. It was the capital of the nome formed by the city itself and its
environs, though Ptolemy (l.c.) describes it as pertaining to the Nome of Coptos.
In all Upper Aegypt no spot is so adapted for the site of a great capital as the
plain occupied by ancient Thebes. The mountain chains, the Libyan on the
western, and the Arabian on the eastern, side of the Nile, sweep boldly from the
river, and leave on both banks a spacious area, whose breadth, including the
river, amounts to nearly 4 leagues, and the length from N. to S. is nearly as
much. Towards the N. the plain is again closed in by the return of the hills to
the Nile; but on the S., where the western chain continues distant, it remains
open. The ground, therefore, on which Thebes stood was large enough to contain a
city of at least equal extent with ancient Rome or modern Paris; and, according
to Strabo, ancient Thebes covered the entire plain. Only a portion of it,
however, was available for population. An immense area was covered with the
temples and their avenues of sphinxes; and on the western side, as far as the
Libyan hills, lay the monuments of the dead. On the eastern bank, therefore, the
population was generally collected; and there it was probably densely crowded,
since ancient writers assign to Thebes an almost incredible number of
inhabitants, and Diodorus (1.45) describes the houses as consisting of many
stories. The extent of the city is very differently stated by ancient authors.
Rumours of its greatness had reached the Greeks of Homer's age, who (Il. 9.381)
speaks of its “hundred gates” and its 20,000 war-chariots, just as the Arabian
story-tellers speak of the glories of Bagdad or Damascus under the Caliphs.
Before the Persian invasion (B.C. 525) no Greek writer had visited Thebes; and
after that catastrophe its dimensions had considerably shrunk, since Cambyses is
said to have burnt all such portions of Thebes as fire would destroy, i. e. all
the private buildings; and under the Persian viceroys no Aegyptian city was
likely to regain its original proportions. It does not appear that Herodotus
ever visited Upper Egypt, and his account of Thebes is extremely vague and
meagre. Diodorus, on the contrary, who saw it after its capture by Ptolemy
Lathyrus, about B.C. 87, beheld Thebes in the second period of its decay, and
after Alexandreia had diverted much of its commerce to Berenice and the
Arsinoite bay. He estimates its circuit at 140 stadia or about 17 miles. Strabo,
again, who went thither with the expedition of Aelius Gallus in B.C. 24, beheld
Thebes at a still lower stage of decadence, and assigns it a compass of about 10
miles. But at that time the continuity of its parts was broken up, and it was
divided into certain large hamlets (κωμήδον) detached from one another. Neither
of these writers, accordingly, was in a position to state accurately the real
dimensions of the city in its flourishing estate, i. e. between 1600 and 800 i.
c. Modern travellers, again, have still further reduced its extent; for example,
Sir Gardner Wilkinson supposes the area of Thebes not to have exceeded 5 1/2
English miles. As, however, during the space of 2600 years (800 B.C.--1800 A.D.)
there have been very material changes in the soil from the contraction of the
habitable ground, partly by the depositions of the Nile, and partly, by the
drifting of the sands, it is scarcely possible for modern travellers to
determine how far Aegyptian labour and art may once have extended their capital.
An author quoted by Stephanus of Byzantium, probably Hecataeus, runs into the
opposite extreme, and ascribes to Thebes a population (7,000,000) hardly
possible for the entire Nilevalley, and an extent (400 stadia, or 50 miles)
larger than the Theban plain itself. (Steph. B. sub voce Διόσπολις.) The name of
Thebes is formed from the Taped of the ancient Aegyptian language, pronounced
Thaba in the Memphitic dialect of Coptic, and thence easily converted into Θῆθαι,
Thebè, or Thebes. In hieroglyphics it is written AP or APE, with the feminine
article, T-APE, the meaning of which is said to be “head,” Thebes being the
“head” or capital of the Upper Kingdom. Its later appellation of Diospolis Magna
(Διόσπολις ἡ μεγάλη) answers also to the Aegyptian title Amunei or “abode of
Amun,” --Ammon or Zeus, the ram-headed god, being the principal object of
worship at Thebes, The name Tapè or Thebes applied to the entire city on either
bank of the Nile; but the western quarter had the distinctive name of Pathyris,
or, according to Ptolemy (4.5.69), Tathyris, as being under the special
protection of Athor, who is sometimes called the President of the West. The
necropolis, indeed, on the Libyan side was appropriately placed under [p.
2.1138]the guardianship of this deity, since she was believed to receive the sun
in her arms as he sank behind the western hills. This quarter, again, in the age
of the Ptolemies, was termed “the Libyan suburb,” which was subdivided also into
particular districts, such as the Memnoneia (τὰ Μεμνονειά, Young, Hieroglyph.
Literature, pp. 69, 73) and Thynabunum, where the priests of Osiris were
interred. (Wilkinson, Anc. Egyptians, vol. v. p. 387.)
The power and prosperity of Thebes arose from three sources--trade,
manufactures, and religion. Its position on the Nile, near the great avenues
through the Arabian hills to the Red Sea, and to the interior of Libya through
the western desert, rendering it a common entrepôt for the Indian trade on the
one side, and the caravan trade with the gold, ivory, and aromatic districts on
the other, and its comparative vicinity to the mines which intersect the
limestone borders of the Red Sea, combined to make Thebes the greatest emporium
in Eastern Africa, until Alexandreia turned the stream of commerce into another
channel. It was also celebrated for its linen manufacture--an important fabric
in a country where a numerous priesthood was interdicted from the use of woollen
garments (Plin. Nat. 9.1. s. 4). The glass, pottery, and intaglios of Thebes
were also in high repute, and generally the number and magnitude of its
edifices, sacred and secular, must have attracted to the city a multitude of
artisans, who were employed in constructing, decorating, or repairing them. The
priests alone and their attendants doubtless constituted an enormous population,
for, as regarded Aegypt, and for centuries Aethiopia also, Thebes stood in the
relation occupied by Rome in medieval Christendom,--it was the sacerdotal
capital of all who worshipped Ammon from Pelusium to Axume, and from the Oases
of Libya to the Red Sea.
The history of Thebes is not. entirely the same with that of Aegypt itself,
since the predominance of the Upper Kingdom implies a very.different era in
Aegyptian annals from that of the lower, or the Delta. It may perhaps be divided
into three epochs: 1. The period which preceded the occupation of Lower Aegypt
by the Assyrian nomades, when it is doubtful whether Memphis or Thebes were the
capital of the, entire country, or whether indeed both the Thebaid and the Delta
were not divided into several smaller states, such as that of Heliopolis in the
N., and Abydus in the S., the rivals respectively of Memphis and Thebes. 2. The
interval between the expulsion of the Assyrians by Thoutmosis, and the 21st
dynasty of Tanite kings. During all this period, Thebes was unquestionably the
capital of all the Nile-valley, from the Mediterranean to the island of Argo in
lat. 19° 31′ N. 3. The period of decadence, when the government of Aegypt was
centered in the Delta, and Thebes was probably little more than the
head-quarters of the sacerdotal caste and the principal refuge of old Aegyptian
life and manners. And this threefold division is rendered the more probable by
the consideration that, until the Assyrian empire became formidable, and
Phoenicia important from its maritime power, Aethiopia, rather than Arabia or
Syria, was the formidable neighbour of Aegypt.
Under the Old Monarchy there is no trace of Aegyptian dominion extending beyond
the peninsula of Sinai, the northern shores of the Red Sea, or the Libyan tribes
adjoining the Delta. During this period invasion was apprehended almost
exclusively from the S. The Aethiopians were no less warlike, and perhaps as
civilised, as the Aegyptians: the Nile afforded them direct ingress to the
regions north of the Cataracts, and they were then, as the Syrians and
north-eastern states became afterwards, the immediate objects of war, treaties,
or intermarriages with the Pharaohs of Thebes. When the Theban state was
powerful enough to expel the Assyrian nomades, it must have already secured the
alliance or the subjection of Aethiopia; and the attention of its rulers was
thenceforward directed to the eastern frontier of the Lower Kingdom. Accordingly
we find that while only one nome in the Thebaid and one in Middle Aegypt were
assigned to the native militia, the bulk of the Calasirians and Hermobytians was
permanently quartered in the Delta.
The greatness of Thebes commences with the 18th dynasty of the Pharaohs, and the
immediate cause of it appears to have been the collective efforts of the Upper
Country to expel the Assyrian shepherds from the Delta. The Thebaid and its
capital were, probably, at no period occupied by these invaders; since,
according to Manetho‘s account of the 17th dynasty, there were then two
contemporaneous kingdoms in Aegypt--the Delta governed by the Hyksos, and the
Thebaid by native monarchs. Thoutmosis, king of Thebes, was the principal agent
in the expulsion of the intruders, and his exploits against them are
commemorated on the temples at Karnak. Memphis and the Delta, together with the
lesser states, such as Xois, delivered from the invaders, thenceforward were
under the dominion of the kings of Thebes. Its flourishing era lasted nearly
eight centuries, i. e. from about 1600 to 800 B.C.
During this period the most conspicuous monarchs. were Amenophis I., who
appears, from the monuments, to have received divine honours after his decease,
and to have been regarded as the second founder of the monarchy. He probably
carried his arms beyond the north-eastern frontier of the Delta into Syria, and
his presence in Aethiopia is recorded in a grotto at Ibrim near Aboosimbel. The
victories or conquests of Amenophis in the N. and S. are inferred from the
circumstance that in the sculptures he is represented as destroying or leading
captive Asiatic and Aethiopian tribes. Next in succession is Thothmes I, with
whose reign appears to have begun the series of Theban edifices which excited
the wonder of the Greeks, who beheld them almost in their original magnificence,
and of all subsequent travellers. The foundations, at least, of the palace of
the kings were laid by this monarch. Thothmes also, like his predecessors,
appears, from the monuments, to have made war with Assyria, and to have extended
his dominion as high up the Nile as the island of Argo in upper Nubia. Thothmes
II. maintained or even enlarged the realm which he inherited, since his name has
been found at Gebel-el-Birkel, the Napata of the Romans, lat. 18° 30′ N. At this
period Aethiopia was apparently an appanage of the Theban kingdom, and its
rulers or viceroys seem to have been of the blood royal of Aegypt, since now for
the first time, and until the reign of Setei Menephthah (Rosellini,i Mon. Reg.
tab.xxxi.--iv.), we meet with the title of the royal son or prince of Aethiopia.
The records of this reign have nearly perished; the great obelisks of Karnak,
however, attest the flourishing condition of contemporary art. They were erected
by Nemt Amen, the sister of Thothmes II., who appears, like the Nitocris of the
[p. 2.1139]Old Monarchy, to have exercised the functions of royalty. The reign
of Thothmes III. is one of the most splendid in the annals of the 18th dynasty.
The frontiers of Aegypt extended S. a little beyond the second cataract, and E.
nearly to Mount Sinai. Thothmes III. completed in Thebes itself many of the
structures begun by his predecessors, e. g. the palace of the kings,--and
generally enriched the cities of the Thebaid with sumptuous buildings. He
commenced the temple at Amada, which was completed by Amunoph II. and Thothmes
IV; and his name was inscribed on the monuments of Ombi, Apollinopolis Magna,
and Eilithya. Thebes, however, was the centre of his architectural labours, and
even the ruins of his great works there have served to adorn other capital
cities. In the Hippodrome of Constantinople is a mutilated obelisk of the reign
of Thothmes III., which was brought from Aegypt by one of the Byzantine
emperors, and which originally adorned the central court of Karnak. Again the
obelisk which Pope Sixtus V. set up in front of the church of St. John Lateran
at Rome, the loftiest and most perfect structure of its kind, was first raised
in this reign, and bears its founder's titles on the central column of its
hieroglyphics. The records of this reign are inscribed on two interesting
monuments,--a painting in a tomb at Gourneh (Hoskins, Travels in Aethiopia, p.
437, foll.; Wilkinson, Mod. Egypt and Thebes, vol. ii. p. 234), and the great
Tablet of Karnak, which is strictly an historical and statistical document, and
which, there can be little doubt, is the very Tablet which the priests of Thebes
exhibited and expounded to Caesar Germanicus in A.D. 16 (Tac. Ann. 2.60). From
the paintings and the hieroglyphics, so far as the latter have been read, on
these monuments, it appears that in this reign tribute was paid into the Theban
treasury by nations dwelling on the borders of the Caspian sea, on the banks of
the Tigris, in the kingdom of Meroe or Aethiopia, and by the more savage tribes
who wandered over the eastern flank of the great Sahara. Thirteen expeditions,
indeed, of Thothmes III., are distinctly registered, and the 35th year of his
reign, according to Lepsius, is recorded. At this period the kingdom of Thebes
must have been the most powerful and opulent in the world. Of the son of
Thothmes, Amunophis II., little is known; but he also added to the erections at
Thebes, and reared other monuments in Nubia. Inscriptions found at
Surabit-el-Kaalim, in the peninsula of Sinai, record his name, and at Primis (Ibrim)
he appears in a speos, or excavated chapel, seated with two principal officers,
and receiving the account of a great chase of wild beasts.
Next in importance, though not in succession, of the Theban kings of the 18th
dynasty, is Amunoph, or Amenophis III. His name is found at Toumbos, near the
third Cataract, and he permanently extended the frontiers of the Theban kingdom
to Soleb, a degree further to S. than it had hitherto reached. These extensions
are not only geographically, but commercially, important, inasmuch as the
farther southward the boundaries extended, the nearer did the Aegyptians
approach to the regions which produced gold, ivory, gems, and aromatics, and the
more considerable, therefore, was the trade of Thebes itself. Only on the
supposition that it was for many generations one of the greatest emporiums in
the world can we understand the lavish expenditure of its monarchs, and its fame
among northern nations as the greatest and richest of cities. And this
consideration is the more important towards a correct estimate of the resources
of the Theban kingdom, since its proper territory barely sufficed for the
support of its dense population, and there is no evidence of its having any
remarkable traffic by sea. It is probable, indeed, that the dominions of
Amenophis III. stretched to within five days' journey of Axume on the Red Sea;
for a scarabaeus inscribed with his name and that of his wife Taia mentions the
land of Karoei or Kaloei, supposed to be Coloe (Rosellini, Mon. Stor. 3.1, 261;
Birch, Gall. Brit. Mus. p. 83), as their southern limit. Thebes was enriched by
this monarch with two vast palaces, one on the eastern, the other on the western
bank of the Nile. He also commenced and erected the greater portion of the
buildings at Luxor. On the walls of their chambers Amenophis was designated “The
vanquisher of the Mennahoun,” an unknown people, and the “Pacificator of Aegypt.”
From the fragment of a monolithal granite statue now in the Louvre, it may be
inferred that his victories were obtained over negro races, and consequently
were the results of campaigns in the interior of Libya and the S. of Aethiopia.
Amenophis has a further claim to notice, since he was probably the Memnon, son
of Aurora, whom Achilles slew at the siege of Troy. Of all the Aethiopian works
the Memnonian statues, from their real magnitude and from the fabulous stories
related of them, have attracted the largest share of attention. By the word
Memnon the Greeks understood an Aethiopian or man of dark complexion (Steph. B.
sub voce Agathem. ap. Gr. Geograph. Min.), or rather, perhaps, a
dark-complexioned warrior (comp. Eustath. ad Il. 5.639); and the term may very
properly have been applied to the conqueror of the southern land, who was also
hereditary prince of Aethiopia. The statues of Memnon, which now stand alone on
the plain of Thebes, originally may have been the figures at the entrance of the
long dromos of crio-sphinxes which led up to the Amenopheion or palace of
Amenophis. Of the eastern and northern limits of the Theban kingdom under the
third Amenophis, we have no evidence similar to that afforded by the tablet of
Karnak; yet from the monuments of his battles we may infer that he levied
tribute from the Arabians on the Red Sea and in the peninsula of Sinai, and at
one time pushed his conquests as far as Mesopotamia. According to Manetho he
reigned 31 years: his tomb is the most ancient of the sepulchres in the
Bab-el-Melook; and even so late as the Ptolemaic age he had divine honours paid
him by a special priest-college called “The pastophori of Amenophis in the
Memnoneia.” (Kenrick, Ancient Aegypt, vol. ii. p. 246.)
Setei Menephthah is the next monarch of the 18th dynasty who, in connection with
Thebes, deserves mention. Besides the temples which he constructed at Amada in
Nubia and at Silsilis (Silseleh,) he began the great palace. called Menephtheion
in that city, although he left it to be completed by his successors Rameses II.
and III. From the paintings and inscriptions on the ruins at Karnak and Luxor it
appears that this monarch triumphed over five Asiatic nations as well as over
races whose position cannot be ascertained, but whose features and dress point
to the interior of Libya. The tomb and sarcophagus of Setei Menephthah were
discovered by Belzoni in the Bab-el-Melook. (Travels, vol. i. p. 167.) If he be
the same with the Sethos of the lists, he reigned 50 or 51 years. We now come to
[p. 2.1140]the name of Rameses II. and III., the latter of whom is the Sesostris
of Herodotus, and who may therefore be regarded as a clearly historical
personage. There can be no doubt of the greatness of Thebes under his sceptre.
In this, as in many other instances where Aegypt is concerned, the monuments of
the country enable us to approach the truth, while the credulity of the Greek
travellers and historians in accepting the narrations of the Aegyptian
priests--naturally eager, after their subjection by the Persians, to exalt their
earlier condition--only tends to bewilder and mislead. Thus, for example,
Diodorus (1.54) was informed that Sesostris led into the field 600,000 infantry,
24,000 cavalry, and 27,000 chariots; and he appeals to the passage already cited
from Homer to show that Thebes sent so many chariots out of its hundred gates.
There is no evidence that the Aegyptians then possessed a fleet in the
Mediterranean; yet Diodorus numbers among his conquests the Cyclades, and
Dicaearchus (Schol. in Apoll. Rhod. 4.272) assigns to him “the greater part of
Europe.” The monuments, on the contrary, record nothing so incredible of this
monarch; although if we may infer the extent of his conquests and the number of
his victories from the space occupied on the monuments by their pictorial
records, he carried the arms of Aegypt beyond any previous boundaries, and
counted among his subjects races as various as those which, nearly 17 centuries
later, were ruled by Trajan and the Antonines. The reign of Rameses was of 60
years' duration, that is nearly of equal length with his life, for the first of
his victories--that recorded on the propylaea of the temple of Luxor, and much
more fully on those of Aboosimbel--was gained in his fifth year. We must refer
to works professedly dealing with Aegyptian annals for his hisotry: here it will
be sufficient to observe of Rameses or Sesostris that he added to Thebes the
Rameseion, now generally admitted to be the “monument of Osymandyas,” upon the
western bank of the Nile; that he was distinguished from all his predecessors by
the extent of his conquests and the wisdom of his laws; and among his subjects
for his strength, comeliness, and valour. The very pre-eminence of Rameses III.
has, indeed, obscured his authentic history. To him were ascribed many works of
earlier and of later monarchs,--such as the canal of the Pharaohs, between the
Nile and the Red Sea; the dykes and embankments which rendered the Delta
habitable; the great wall, 1500 stadia in length, between Pelusium and
Heliopolis, raised as a barrier against the Syrians and Arabians; a re-partition
of the land of Aegypt; the law of hereditary occupation (Aristot. Pol. 7.10);
and foreign conquests, or at least expeditions into Western Asia, which rendered
tributary to him even the Colchians and the Bactrians. (Tac. Ann. 2.60.)
With the 21st dynasty appear the traces of a revolution affecting the Upper
Kingdom. Tanite and Bubastite Pharaohs are now lords of the Nile-valley: and
these are succeeded by an Aethiopian dynasty, marking invasion and occupation of
the Thebaid by a foreigner. Perhaps, as Aegypt became more involved with the
affairs of Asia--a result of the conquests of the house of Rameses--it may have
proved expedient to remove the seat of government nearer to the Syrian frontier.
The dynasty of Sethos, the Aethiopian, however, indicates a revolt of the
provinces S. of the cataracts; and even after the Aethiopians had withdrawn, the
Lower Kingdom retained its pre-eminence. The Saite Pharaohs feared or despised
the native militia, and surrounded themselves with foreign mercenaries. Greek
colonies were established in the Delta; and Aegypt maintained a fleet--an
innovation extremely prejudicial to Thebes, since it implied that the old
isolation of the land was at an end, and that the seat of power was on the
Syrian, and not on the Aethiopian frontier. The stages of its decline cannot be
traced; but Thebes seems to have offered no opposition, after the fall of
Memphis, to the Persians, and certainly, after its occupation by Cambyses, never
resumed its place as a metropolitan city. That Thebes was partially restored
after the destruction of at least its secular buildings by the Persians, admits
of no doubt, since it was strong enough in B.C. 86 to hold out against the
forces of Ptolemy Lathyrus. But although the circuit of its walls may have been
undiminished, it seems never again to have been filled as before with a dense
population. The foundation of Alexandreia was more fatal to Thebes than even the
violence of Cambyses; and its rebellion against the Macedonians was perhaps
prompted by jealousy of Greek commerce and religion. The hand of Lathyrus lay
heavy on Thebes; and from this epoch probably dates the second stage of its
decline. From the glimpses we gain of it through the writings of the Greeks and
Romans, it appears to have remained the head-quarters of the sacerdotal order
and of old Aegyptian life and manners. As a Macedonian or Roman prefecture, it
took little or no part in the affairs of Aegypt; yet it profited by the general
peace of the world under the Caesars, and employed its wealth or labour in the
repair or decoration of its monuments. The names of Alexander and some of the
Ptolemies, of the Caesars from Tiberius to the Antonines, are inscribed on its
monuments; and even in the fourth century A.D. it was of sufficient importance
to attract the notice of historians and travellers. Perhaps its final ruin was
owing as much to the fanaticism of the Christians of the Thebaid, who saw in its
sculptures only the abominations of idol-worship, as to its occupation by the
Blemmyes and other barbarians from Nubia and Arabia. When the Saracens, who also
were iconoclasts, broke forth from Arabia, Thebes endured its final desolation,
and for many centuries its name almost disappears: nor can its monuments be said
to have generally attracted the notice of Europeans, until the French expedition
to Aegypt once again disclosed its monuments. From that period, and especially
since the labours of Belzoni, no ancient city has been more frequently visited
or described.
The growth of Thebes and the additions made to it by successive monarchs or
dynasties have been partly traced in the foregoing sketch of its political
history. A few only of its principal remains can here be noticed, since the
ruins of this city form the subject of many works, and even the most condensed
account of them would almost demand a volume for itself. Ancient Thebes, as has
already been observed, occupied both the eastern and western banks of the Nile;
and four villages, two, on each side of the river, now occupy a portion of its
original area. Of these villages two, Luxor and Karnak, are on the eastern bank,
and two, Gourneh and Medinet-Aboo, on the western. There is some difference in
the character and purpose of the structures in the opposite quarters of the
city. Those on the western bank formed part of its vast necropolis; and here are
found the rock-hewn painted tombs,--“the tombs [p. 2.1141]of the kings,” --whose
sculptures so copiously illustrate the history, the arts, and the social life of
Aegypt. On this side there are also the remains of temples, palaces, and halls
of assembly or judicature, with their vast enclosure of walls and their long
avenues of sphinxes. But the western quarter of Thebes was reserved principally
for the dead, and for the service of religion and the state, while the mass of
the population was contained in the eastern. Yet the numbers who inhabited the
western side of the city must have been considerable, since each temple had its
own establishment of priests, and each palace or public edifice its proper
officers and servants. Still we shall probably be correct in describing the
eastern quarter as the civil, and the western as the royal and ecclesiastical,
portion of Thebes. At present no obelisks have been discovered in the western
quarter, but, with this exception, the monuments of Gourneh and Medinet-Aboo
yield little in grandeur, beauty, or interest to those of Luxor and Karnak, and
in one respect indeed are the more important of the two, since they afford the
best existing specimens of Aegyptian colossal or portrait statues.
Beginning then with the western quarter,--the Memnoneia of the Ptolemaic
times,--we find at the northern limit of the plain, about three quarters of a
mile from the river, the remains of a building to which Champollion has given
the name of Menephtheion, because the name of Setei-Menephthah is inscribed upon
its walls. It appears to have been both a temple and a palace, and was
approached by a dromos of 128 feet in length. Its pillars belong to the oldest
style of Aegyptian architecture, and its bas-reliefs are singularly fine.
The next remarkable ruin is the Memnoneium of Strabo (xvii. p.728), the tomb of
Osymandyas of Diodorus, now commonly called the Rameseion on the authority of
its sculptures. The situation, the extent, and the beauty of this relic of
Thebes are all equally striking. It occupies the first base of the hills, as
they rise from the plain; and before the alluvial soil had encroached on the
lower ground, it must have been even a more conspicuous object from the city
than it now appears. The inequalities of the ground on which it was erected were
overcome by flights of steps from one court to another, and the Rameseion
actually stood on a succession of natural terraces improved by art. The main
entrance from the city is flanked by two pyramidal towers: the first court is
open to the sky, surrounded by a double colonnade, and 140 feet in length and 18
in breadth. On the left of the staircase that ascends to the second court still
stands the pedestal of the statue of Rameses, the largest, according to Diodorus
(1.49), of the colossi of Aegypt. From the dimensions of its foot, parts of
which still remain, it is calculated that this statue was 54 feet in height and
22 feet 4 inches in breadth across the shoulders. The court is strewn with its
fragments. How it was erected, or how overthrown in a land not liable to
earthquakes, are alike subjects of wonder; since, without mechanical aids wholly
beyond the reach of barbarians, it must have been almost as difficult to cast it
down from its pedestal as to transport it originally from the quarries. The
walls of the second court are covered with sculptures representing the wars of
Rameses III., a continuation and complement of the historical groups upon the
interior walls of the pylon. Diodorus (1.47) speaks of “monolithal figures, 16
cubits high, supplying the place of columns,” and these are probably the pillars
of this second court. He also mentions the attack of a city surrounded by a
river; and this group of sculpture, still extant, identifies the Memnoneium with
the monument of Osymandyas. A third flight of stairs conducts from the court to
a hall, which, according to Champollion was used for public assemblies. A
sitting statue of Rameses flanked each side of the steps, and the head of one of
them, now called the young Memnon adorns the British Museum. The columns and
walls of the court are covered with sculptures partly of a religious, partly of
a civil character, representing the homage of the 23 sons of Rameses to their
parent and his offerings to the gods. Nine smaller apartments succeed to the
hall. One of these was doubtless the library or “Dispensary of the Mind” (ψυχῆς
ἰατρεῖον) of which Diodorus (1.49) speaks, since in it are found sculptures of
Thoth, the inventor of letters, and his companion Saf, the “lady of letters” and
“President of the Hall of Books.” This chamber had also at one time an
astronomical ceiling adorned with the figures or symbols of the Aegyptian
months; but it was carried off by the Persians, and the Greek travellers,
Diodorus, Hecataeus &c., knew of it only from hearsay. Of the nine original
chambers, two only remain, the one just described, and a second, in which
Rameses is depicted sacrificing to various divinities of the Theban Pantheon.
Beneath the upper portion of the Memnoneium rock-sepulchres and brick graves
have been discovered, both coeval with the Rameseian dynasty (Lepsius, Rev.
Arch. Jan. 1845). The entire area of the Memnoneium was enclosed by a brick
wall, in the double arches of which are occasionally imbedded fragments of still
more ancient structures, the remains probably of the Thebes which the 18th
dynasty of the Pharaohs enlarged, and adorned. A dromos NW. of the Memnoneium,
formed of not less than 200 sphinxes, and at least 1600 feet in length, led to a
very ancient temple in a recess of the Libyan hills. This was probably a place
of strength before the lowlands on each side of the Nile were artificially
converted by drainage and masonry into the solid area upon which Thebes was
The next object which meets the traveller's eye is a mound of rubbish, the
fragments of a building once. occupying the ground. It is called by the Arabs
Koum-el-Hattam, or mountain of sandstone, and is, composed of the ruins of the
Amenopheion, the palace or temple of Amunoph III.--the Memnon of the Greeks.
About a quarter of a mile distant from the Amenopheion, and nearer to the Nile,
are the two colossal statues called Tama and Chama by the natives, standing
isolated on the plain and eminent above it. The most northerly of these statues
is the celebrated vocal Memnon. Their present isolation, however, is probably
accidental, and arises from the subsidence or destruction of an intermediate
dromos, of which they formed the portals, and which led to the Amenopheion,
These statues have already been, described in the Dictionary of Biography, s. v.
MEMNON [Vol. II. p. 1028.] It may be added here that the present height of these
colossal figures, inclusive of the pedestal, is 60 feet. The alluvial soil,
however, rises to nearly one half of the pedestal, and as there is an
inscription of the age of Antoninus Pius, A.D. 139, foll., i. e. about 1720
years old, we obtain some measure of the amount of deposition in so many
centuries. The blocks from which [p. 2.1142]the statues are formed are composed
of a coarse, hard breccia, intermixed with agatised pebbles. (Russegger, Reisen,
vol. ii. pt. 1. p. 410.) The village of Medinet-Aboo stands about one third of a
mile SW. of Koum-el-Hattam, upon a lofty mound formed by the ruins of the most
splendid structure in western Thebes. It consisted of two portions, a temple and
a palace, connected with each other by a pylon and a dromos. The temple was the
work of successive monarchs of the name of Thothmes, and hence has received the
name of the Thothmeseion. Apparently this site found favour with the sovereigns
of Aegypt in all ages, since, either on the main building or on its numerous
outworks, which extend towards the river, are inscribed the names of Tirhakah
the Aethiopian, of Nectanebus, the last independent king of Aegypt, of Ptolemy
Soter II., and of Antoninus Pius. The original Thothmeseion comprises merely a
sanctuary surrounded by galleries and eight chambers; the additions to it
represent the different periods of its patrons and architects. The palace of
Rameses--the southern Rameseion of Champollion--far exceeds in dimensions and
the splendour of its decorations the Thothmeseion. It stands a little S. of the
temple, nearer the foot of the hills. The dromos which connects them is 265 feet
in length. The sculptures on the pylon relate to the coronation of Rameses IV.
and his victories over the Aethiopians. A portion of the southern Rameseion
seems to have been appropriated to the private uses of the king. The mural
decorations of this portion are of singular interest, inasmuch as they represent
Rameses in his hours of privacy and recreation.
The walls of the southern Rameseion generally are covered both on the inside and
the out with representations of battles, sacrifices, religious processions and
ceremonies, relating to the 18th dynasty. A plain succeeds, bounded by
sand-hills and heaps of Nile-mud. It is variously described by modern travellers
as the site of a race-course, of a camp or barrack, or an artificial lake, over
which, according to Sir Gardner Wilkinson, the dead were ferried to the
neighbouring necropolis. Whatever may have been its purpose, this plain is of
considerable extent, being somewhat less than a mile and half in length, and
more than half a mile in breadth.
The contrast between the portion of Thebes once crowded with the living, and
that which was equally thronged with the dead, is less striking now, when the
whole city is a desert or occupied only by a few straggling villages. But under
the Pharaohs the vicinity of life and death must have been most solemn and
expressive. From Gourneh to Medinet-Aboo the Libyan hills, along a curve of
nearly 5 miles, are honey-combed with sepulchres, and conspicuous among them are
the Tombs of the Kings, situated in the valley of Bab-el-Melook. The Theban
necropolis is excavated in the native calcareous rock. The meaner dead were
interred in the lower ground, where the limestone is of a softer grain, and more
exposed to decomposition by wind and water. This portion of the cemetery has,
accordingly, fallen into decay. But the upper and harder strata of the hills are
of finer and more durable texture, and here the priest-caste and nobles were
interred. The tombs of the lower orders are generally without sculpture, but
filled with mummies of animals accounted sacred by the Aegyptians. A favourite
companion in death appears to have been the ape; and such numbers of this animal
have been found in one portion of the necropolis that the valley containing
their mummies bears the name of the “Apes' Burial Place.” Upon the graves of the
upper classes painting and sculpture were lavished in a measure hardly inferior
to that which marks the sepulchres of the kings. The entire rock is tunnelled by
them, and by the galleries and staircases which led to the various chambers. The
entrances to these tombs are rectangular, and open into passages which either
pierce the rock in straight lines, or wind through it by ascending and
descending shafts. Where the limestone is of a crumbling nature, it was
supported by brick arches, and drains were provided for carrying off standing or
casual water. The walls of these passages and chambers were carefully prepared
for the artist. Rough or carious portions were cut out, and their place filled
up with bricks and plaster. Their entire surface was then covered with stucco,
on which the paintings were designed and highly coloured. The decorations are
rarely in relief, but either drawn on the flat surface, or cut into the stucco.
They are mostly framed in squares of chequer and arabesque work. The subjects
portrayed within these frames or niches are very various,--ranging through
religious ceremonies and the incidents of public or private life. The ornaments
of these tombs may indeed be termed the miniature painting of the Aegyptians.
Within a space of between 40 and 50 feet no less than 1200 hieroglyphics are
often traced, and finished with a minute delicacy unsurpassed even in buildings
above ground, which were meant for the eyes of the living.
The Royal Sepulchres, however, form the most striking feature of the Theban
necropolis. They stand in a lonely and barren valley, seemingly a natural chasm
in the limestone, and resembling in its perpendicular sides and oblong shape a
sarcophagus. At the lower end of this basin an entrance has been cut--there
seems to be no natural mode of ingress--in the rock. Forty-seven tombs were, at
one time, known to the ancients. (Diod. 1.46.) Of these twenty or twenty-one
have been counted by modern explorers. Here reposed the Theban Pharaohs from the
18th to the 21st dynasty. The only tombs, hitherto discovered, complete are
those of Amunoph III., Rameses Meiamun, and Rameses III. To prepare a grave
seems to have been one of the duties or pleasures of Aegyptian royalty; and
since the longest survivor of these monarchs rests in the most sumptuous tomb,
it may be inferred that the majority of them died before they had completed
their last habitation.
The queens of Aegypt were buried apart from the kings, in a spot about
three-fourths of a mile NW. of the temple of Medinet-Aboo. Each of them bears
the title of “Wife of Amun,” indicating either that their consorts combined with
their proper names that also of the great Theban deity, or that, after death,
they were dignified by apotheosis. Twenty-four tombs have at present been
discovered in this cemetery, twelve of which are ascertained to be those of the
queens. The least injured of them by time or violence bears the name of Taia,
wife of Amunoph III.
On the eastern bank of the Nile, the monuments are even more magnificent. The
villages of Luxor and Karnak occupy a small portion only of the true Diospolis.
The ruins at Luxor stand close to the river. The ancient landing place was a
jetty of stone, which [p. 2.1143]also served to break the current of the stream.
The most remarkable monuments are two obelisk of Rameses III., respectively 70
and 60 feet high, one of which still remains there, while the other has been
removed to the Place de la Concorde at Paris. Their unequal height was partially
concealed from the spectator by the lower obelisk being placed upon the higher
pedestal. Behind them were two monolithal These are now covered from the breast
downwards with rubbish and fluvial deposit, but were, originally, including
their chairs or bases, 39 feet high. Next succeeds a court, surrounded by a
corridor of double columns, 190 feet long and 170 broad. It is entered through a
portal 51 feet in height, whose pyramidal wings are inscribed with the battles
of Rameses. On the opposite side of the court a second portal, erected by
Amunoph III., opens upon a colonnade which leads to a smaller court, and this
again terminates with a portico composed of four rows of columns, eight in each
row. Beyond the third portico follows a considerable number of apartments.
flanking a sanctuary on the walls of which are represented the birth of Amunoph,
and his presentation to Amun.
A dromos of andro-sphinxes, and various buildings now covered with sand and
dried mud, formerly connected the quarter of eastern Thebes, represented by
Luxor, with that represented by Karnak. Near to the latter place a portion of
the dromos still exists, and a little to the right of it a second dromos of crio-sphinxes
branches off, which must have been one of the most remarkable structures in the
city. It led up to the palace of the kings, and consisted of a double row of
statues, sixty or seventy in number, each 11 feet distant from the next, and
each having a lion's body and a ram's head. The SW. entrance of the palace is a
lofty portal, followed by four spacious courts with intervening gateways.
The grandeur of the palace is, in some degree, lessened by later additions to
its plan, for on the right side of the great court was a cluster of small
chambers, while on its left were only two apartments. Their object is unknown,
but they probably served as lodgings or offices for the royal attendants. In the
first of the two main courts stand two obelisks of Thothmes I., one in
fragments, the other still erect and uninjured. In a second court to the right
of the first, there were two obelisks also: the one which remains is 92 feet
high. The oldest portion of the palace of Karnak appears to be a few chambers,
and some polygonal columns bearing the shield of Sesortasen I. To these--the
nucleus of the later structures--Thothmes III. made considerable additions;
among them a chamber whose sculptures compose the great Karnak Tablet, so
important a document for Aegyptian chronology.
But the Great Court is surpassed in magnificence by the Great Hall. This is 80
feet in height, and 329 feet long by 179 broad. The roof is supported by 134
columns, 12 in the centre and 122 in the aisles. The central columns are each 66
feet high, clear of their pedestals, and each 11 feet in diameter. The pedestals
were 10 feet high, and the abacus over their capitals, on which rested the
architraves of the ceiling, was 4 feet in depth. The columns were each about 27
feet apart from one another. The aisle-columns stood in 7 rows, were each 41
feet high, and 9 feet in girth Light and air were admitted into the building
through apertures in the side walls. The founder of the palace was
Setei-Menephthah, of the 18th dynasty; but one reign cannot have sufficed for
building so gigantic a court, and we know indeed not only that many of the
historical bas-reliefs which cover the walls were contributed by his son Rameses
II., but also that the latter added to the Great Hall, on its NW. side, a vast
hypethral court, 275 feet in breadth, by 329 in length. This, like the hall, had
a double row of columns down its centre, and a covered corridor round its sides.
Four gateways opening to the four quarters gave admission into this court: and
to the prineipal one which fronted the Nile an avenue of crio-sphinxes led up,
headed by two granite statues of Rameses II.
The purpose for which these spacious courts and their annexed halls and
esplanades were erected was perhaps partly religious, and partly secular. Though
the kings of the 18th and succeeding dynasties had ceased to be chief-priests,
they still retained many ceremonial functions, and the sacred calendar of Aegypt
abounded in days of periodical meetings for religious objects. At such
panegyries the priests alone were a host, and the people were not excluded. From
the sculptures also it appears that the Court of Royal Palaces was the place
where troops were reviewed, embassies received, captives executed or
distributed, and the spoils or honours of victory apportioned. Both temples and
palaces also served occasionally for the encampment of soldiers and the
administration of justice. The temperature of the Thebaid rendered vast spaces
indispensable for the congregation of numbers, and utility as well as pomp may
have combined in giving their colossal scale to the structures of the Pharaohs.
In the Great Hall a great number of the columns are still erect. The many which
have fallen have been undermined by water loosening the soil below: and they
fall the more easily, because the architraves of the roof no longer hold them
upright. The most costly materials were employed in some parts of the palace.
Cornices of the finest marble were inlaid with ivory mouldings or sheathed with
beaten gold.
These were the principal structures of the eastern moiety of Thebes: but either
dromoi and gateways stand within the circuit of its walls, and by their
sculptures or inscriptions attest that the Macedonian as well as the native
rulers extended, renovated, or adorned the capital of the Upper Country. The
eastern branch of the dromos which connects Luxor with Karnak appears from its
remains to have been originally 500 feet in length, and composed of a double row
of ram-headed lions 58 in number. The loftiest of Aegyptian portals stands at
its SW. extremity. It is 64 feet high, but without the usual pyramidal propyla.
It is indeed a work of the Greek era, and was raised by Ptolemy Euergetes I.
Rameses IV. and Rameses VIII. added temples and a dromos to the city. Nor was
Thebes without its benefactors even so late as the era of the Roman Caesars. The
name of Tiberius was inscribed on one of its temples; and Hadrian, while engaged
in his general survey of the Empire, directed some repairs or additions to be
made to the temple of Zeus-Ammon. That Thebes, as Herodotus and Diodorus saw it,
stood upon the site and incorporated the remains of a yet more ancient city, is
rendered probable by its sudden expansion under the 18th dynasty of the
Pharaohs, as well as by extant specimens of its architecture, more in affinity
with the monuments S. of the cataracts than with the proper Aegyptian style. It
seems hardly questionable that [p. 2.1144]Thebes was indebted for its greatness
originally to its being the principal centre of Ammon-worship,--a worship which,
on the one hand, connected it with Meroe, and, on the other, with the islands of
the Libyan desert. The strength which the Thebaid and its capital thus acquired
not only enabled it to rise superior to Abydus in the earlier period, but also
to expel the Assyrian invaders from the Delta. It becomes then an interesting
question which quarter of Thebes was its cradle? Did it spread itself from the
eastern or the western shore of the Nile? Both Diodorus and Strabo are agreed in
placing the “old town,” with its Ammonian temple, on the eastern bank of the
river; and this site too was the more accessible of the two, whether its
population came from the left or, as it is more likely they did, from the right
shore. Between Luxor and Karnak lies the claim to be considered as the site of
the earliest Diospolis. Now in the former place there is no conspicuous trace of
Ammon-worship, whereas the latter, in its ram-headed dromoi, abounds with
symbols of it. At Karnak every monument attests the presence of Ammon. Osiris
indeed appears as his son or companion on the sculptures, and in some of the
temple-legends they were represented as joint founders of the shrine. But Ammon
was without doubt the elder of the two. We may accordingly infer that the first
Thebes stood nearly on the site of the present Karnak, at a period anterior to
all record: that it expanded towards the river, and was separated by the whole
breadth of the stream and of the plain to the foot of the Libyan hills from the
necropolis. Finally, that as its population became too large for the precincts
of the eastern plain, a suburb, which grew into a second city, arose on the
opposite bank of the Nile; and thus the original distinction between eastern and
western Thebes partially disappeared, and the river, having thenceforward
habitations on both its banks, no longer parted by a broad barrier the city of
the living from the city of the dead.
(Kenrick, Ancient Aegypt under the Pharaohs, vol. i. pp. 149--178; Heeren,
Historical Researches, Thebes and its Monuments, vol. ii. pp. 201--342;
Champollion, Lettres sur l'Egypte; Hamilton, Aegyptiaca; Belzoni, Travels, &c.)
The territory of Thebes was named THEBAIS (ἡ Θηβαΐς, sc. χώρα, or οἱ ἄνω τόποι,
the Upper Country, Ptol. 4.5.62), the modern Sais or Pathros, and was one of the
three principal divisions of Aegypt. Its frontiers to the S. varied accordingly
as Aegypt or Aethiopia preponderated, the Theban Pharaohs at times ruling over
the region above the Cataracts as far S. as Hiera Sycamina lat. 23° 6′ N.;
while, at others, the kings of Meroe planted their garrisons N. of Syene, and,
at one period, occupied the Thebais itself. But the ordinary limits of Upper
Aegypt were Syene to S., lat. 24° 5′ N., and Hermopolis Magna to N., lat. 27°
45′ N. On the E. it was bounded by the Arabian, on the W. by the Libyan hills
and desert. As rain seldom falls in the Thebais (Hdt. 3.10), and as its general
surface is rocky or sandy, the breadth of cultivable land depends on the
alluvial deposit of the Nile, and this again is regulated by the conformation of
the banks on either side. For a similar cause the population of the Thebais was
mostly gathered into towns and large villages, both of which are often dignified
by ancient writers with the appellation of cities. But numerous cities were
incompatible with the physical character of this region, and its population must
have been considerably below the estimate of it by the Greeks and Romans.
The Thebais was divided into ten nomes (Strab. xvii. p.787), and consequently
ten halls in the Labyrinth were appropriated to its Nonarchs. But this number
apparently varied with the boundaries of Upper Aegypt, since Pliny (5.9)
enumerates eleven. and other writers mention fourteen Nomes. The physical aspect
of the Thebais requires especial notice, since it differed, both geologically
and in its Fauna and Flora, from that of Lower Aegypt.
For the most part it is a narrow valley, intersected by the river and bounded by
a double line of hills, lofty and abrupt on the eastern or Arabian side, lower
and interrupted by sandy plains and valleys on the Libyan or western. The desert
on either side produces a stunted vegetation of shrubs and herbs, which emit a
slight aromatic odour. The cultivable soil is a narrow strip on each side of the
Nile, forming, with its bright verdure, a strong contrast to the brown and arid
hue of the surrounding district. The entire breadth of this valley, including
the river, does not exceed 11 miles, and sometimes is contracted by the rocky
banks of the Nile even to two.
Upper Aegypt belongs to Nubia rather than to the Heptanomis or the Delta.
Herodotus (3.10) was mistaken in his statement that rain never falls in the
Thebais. It is, however, of rare occurrence. Showers fall annually during four
or five days in each year, and about once in eight or ten years heavy rains fill
the torrent-beds of the mountains, and convert the valleys on either side of the
Nile into temporary pools. That this was so even in the age of Hecataeus and
Herodotus is proved by the circumstance that the lions on the cornices of the
Theban temples have tubes in their mouths to let the water off.
But the fertility of the Thebais depends on the overflow of the Nile. From Syene
nearly to Latopolis, lat. 25° 17′ N., the cultivable soil is a narrow rim of
alluvial deposit, bounded by steep walls of sandstone. On the Arabian shore were
the quarries from which the great temples of Upper Aegypt were constructed. At
Apollinopolis Magna (Edfu) the sandstone disappears from the W. bank of the
river, and on the E. it extends but a little below that city. Four miles below
Eilithya, the limestone region begins, and stretches down nearly to the apex of
the Delta, descending on the Libyan side in terraces to the Mediterranean. At
this point a greater breadth of land is cultivable, and in the Arabian hills
deep gorges open towards the Red Sea, the most considerable of which are the
valleys that run from Eilithya in a SE. direction to Berenice, and from Coptos,
past the porphyry quarries, to Cosseir on the Red Sea. The tanks and stations
for the caravans which the Theban Pharaohs or the Ptolemies constructed in these
valleys are still occasionally found buried in the sand. At Latopolis the
Nile-valley is nearly 5 miles wide, but it is again contracted by the rocks at
Gebelein, where, owing to the precipitous character of the banks, the road quits
the river and crosses the eastern desert to Hermonthis.
The next material expansion of the Nile-valley is at the plain of Thebes. At
this point both chains of hills curve boldly away from the river, and leave an
area of more than 5 miles in length and 3 in breadth. At the northern extremity
of this plain the banks again contract, and at Gourneh are almost close to the
Nile. Re-opening again, the [p. 2.1145]borders of the stream as far as
Hermopolis Magna, the northern boundary of the Thebaid, generally extend inland
on the E. side about one mile and a half, on the W. about two miles. They do not
indeed observe an unbroken line, but the alluvial soil, where the mouths of the
collateral valleys permit, occasionally stretches much farther into the country.
Canals and dykes in the Pharaonic period admitted and retained the Nile's
deposit to an extent unknown either in Grecian, Roman, or modern eras.
Seen from the river the Thebaid, in the flourishing periods of Aegypt, presented
a wide and animated spectacle of cultivation and industry, wherever the banks
admitted of room for cities or villages. Of the scenery of the Nile, its teeming
population and multitudinous river-craft, mention has already been made in the
article NILUS Among many others, the following objects were beheld by those who
travelled from Syene to Hermopolis. At first the general appearance of the
shores is barren and dreary. Koum-Ombos, the ancient Ombi, would first arrest
attention by the brilliant colours of its temples, and, at certain seasons of
the year, by the festivals held in honour of the crocodile-headed deity Sevak.
At times also, if we may credit the Roman satirist (Juvenal, Sat. xv.), the
shore at Ombi was the scene of bloody frays with the crocodile exterminators
from Tentyra. Sixteen miles below Ombi was the seat of the special worship of
the Nile, which at this point, owing to the escarped form of its sandstone
banks, admits of a narrow road only on either side, and seems to occupy the
whole breadth of Aegypt. Here too, and on the eastern bank especially are the
vast quarries of stone which supplied the Theban architects with their durable
and beautiful materials. Various landing-places from the river gave access to
those quarries: the names of successive sovereigns and princes of the xviiith
dynasty, their wars and triumphs, are recorded on the rocks; and blocks of stone
and monolithal shrines are still visible in their galleries. The temples of
Apollinopolis Magna (Edfu), the hypogaea of Eilithya, Thebes occupying either
bank, Coptos, long the seat of Aegyptian commerce with India, the temples of
Athor and Isis at Tentyra, the mouth of the ancient branch of the Nile, the
canal of Jusuf at Diospolis Parva, the necropolis of Abydos, near which runs the
highroad to the greater Oasis, the linen-works and stone-masons' yards of
Chemmis or Panopolis (Ekhmin), the sepulchral chambers at Lycopolis, and,
finally, the superb portico of Hermopolis Magna, all evince, within a compass of
about 380 miles, the wealth, enterprise, and teeming population of Upper Aegypt.
The vegetation of this region announces the approach to the tropics. The
productions of the desert, stunted shrubs and trees, resemble those of the
Arabian and Libyan wastes. But wherever the Nile fertilises, the trees and
plants belong rather to Aethiopia than to the lower country. The sycamore nearly
disappears: the Theban palm and the date-palm take its place. The lotus (Nymphaea
Lotus and Nymphaea caerulea) is as abundant in the Thebais as the papyrus in the
Delta. It is the symbol of the Upper Land: its blue and white cups enliven the
pools and canals, and representations of them furnished a frequent and graceful
ornament to architecture. Its bulb afforded a plentiful and nutritious diet to
the poorer classes. The deserts of the Thebais, which in Christian times swarmed
with monasteries and hermitages, contained the wolf, hyaena, and jackal: but the
larger carnivorous animals of Libya were rarely seen in Aegypt. (Hdt. 2.65.) In
the Pharaonic times the hippopotamus was found in the Nile below the Cataracts:
more recently it has seldom been found N. of them. The crocodile, being an
object of worship in several of the Theban nomes, was doubtless more abundant
than it is now. From both papyri and sculptures we know that the Theban
landowners possessed horned cattle and sheep in abundance, although they kept
the latter for their wool and milk principally; and the chariots of Thebes
attest the breeding and training of horses. From extant drawings on the
monuments we know also that horticulture was a favourite occupation in Upper
The population of the Thebais was probably of a purer Aegyptian stamp than that
of the Delta; at least its admixtures were derived from Arabia or Meroe rather
than from Phoenicia or Greece. Its revolutions, too, proceeded from the south,
and it was comparatively unaffected by those of the Lower Country. Even as late
as the age of Tiberius, A.D. 14--37, the land was prosperous, as is proved by
the extension and restoration of so many of its public monuments; and it was not
until the reign of Diocletian that its rain was consummated by the inroad of the
Blemmyes, and other barbarous tribes from Nubia and the Arabian desert.
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman
Geography (1854) William Smith, LLD, Ed.