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Wall Painting


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Ancient Greek Arts - Vases

From the Vase of Clitias and Ergotimos From the Vase of Clitias and Ergotimos
An illustration from the vase of Clitias and Ergotimos.
Io, Hermes and Argus Io, Hermes and Argus
Greek red-figured vase painting, formerly at Naples.
Danae and the Golden Rain Danae and the Golden Rain
Greek red-figured vase from Caere, Etruria (early fifth century BC).
Heracles and Geryones Heracles and Geryones
Attic black-figured vase of the sixth century BC, from Vulci. In the Louvre.
Heracles and Cerberus Heracles and Cerberus
From a red-figure vase at Naples.
Heracles and Busiris Heracles and Busiris
Greek black-figured vase of sixth century BC, from Caere in Etruria, now at Vienna.
Heracles Feasting Heracles Feasting
On a Greek vase at Munich. Late sixth centruy B.C.
Preparation for the Judgement of Paris Preparation for the Judgement of Paris
Greek vase-painting. In the Bibliotheque National, Paris.
Briseis Taken by Agamemnon Briseis Taken by Agamemnon
Briseis taken by Agamemnon, on a Greek vase in the Louvre.
Hectors Body Dragged Round the Tomb of Patroclus Hectors Body Dragged Round the Tomb of Patroclus
Attic vase of the sixth century BC. In the British Museum.
Hectors Body Dragged Round the Tomb of Patroclus Hectors Body Dragged Round the Tomb of Patroclus
A Greek vase at Naples.
The Death of Priam The Death of Priam
Greek vase from Apulia in the British Museum.
Cassandra Flying from Ajax Cassandra Flying from Ajax
On a Greek vase from Gela. About 500 BC.
Odysseus and Circe Odysseus and Circe
Greek vase in the British Museum.
The Blinding of the Cyclops The Blinding of the Cyclops
Greek vase of the late sixth century BC at Berlin.
Scylla Scylla
From a Greek vase at Naples.
The Death of Aegisthus The Death of Aegisthus
Attic vase-painting at Vienna. Early fifth century BC.
Orestes Taking Refuge from the Furies Orestes Taking Refuge from the Furies
From a red-figured south Italian vase. Fourth century BC.
Jason and the Bull Jason and the Bull
From a South Italian Vase from Ruvo; at Naples fourth century BC.
Jason and the Serpent Jason and the Serpent
South Italian vase from Ruvo; in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Fourth century BC.
Medea and Pelias Medea and Pelias
Attic vase painting. In the British Museum.
The Death of  Creiisa The Death of Creiisa
From a South Italian vase at Naples. Fourth century BC.
The Death of  Creiisa, and the Murder of Medeas Children The Death of Creiisa, and the Murder of Medeas Children
Portions of a South Italian vase painting, now in Munich. Fourth Century BC.
Murder of Medeas Children Murder of Medeas Children
Portions of South Italian vase-painting now at Munich.
The Murder of Medeas Children The Murder of Medeas Children
South Italian Vase from Cumae. In the Louvre. About 300 BC.
Polymestor Blinded Polymestor Blinded
Greek vase in the British Museum. Fourth Century BC.
Amazons and Greeks Amazons and Greeks
South Italian vase in the Jatta Collection at Ruvo. Fourth century BC.
The Murder of Itys The Murder of Itys
On an attic red-figured vase (kylix) drinking cup in the Louvre. Early fifth century BC.
Orpheus Playing the Lyre Orpheus Playing the Lyre
From a South Italian red-figured vase painting.
The Death of Orpheus The Death of Orpheus
From an attic red-figured vase. Fifth century BC.
Peleus and Thetis Peleus and Thetis
Attic red-figured vase at Corneto. Fifth century BC.
Pelops and Hippodameia Pelops and Hippodameia
Attic red-figured vase painting in the Museum of Arezzo. Fifth century BC.
Perseus and Gorgons Perseus and Gorgons
On an attic red-figured vase in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Sixth century BC.
Phineus and the Harpies Phineus and the Harpies
Greek vase at Warzburg. Sixth century BC.
Silenus before Midas Silenus before Midas
Attic red-figured vase from Chiusi. Fifth century BC. British Museum.
Croesus on His Pyre Croesus on His Pyre
Attic vase painting in the Louvre; end of sixth century or beginning of fifth century BC.
Arimaspi and Gryphons Arimaspi and Gryphons
Greek vase from the Cyrenaica; in the British Museum.
Pygmy and Cranes Pygmy and Cranes
From an attic vase at St. Petersburg. Fifth century BC.
Offering at a Tomb Offering at a Tomb
Greek vase at Athens. Fifth century B.C.
Greek Furniture Greek Furniture
Part of a South Italian vase painting representing Heracles in his madness.
Hunting Hunting
From a Greek silver vase with reliefs, found in Crimea. At st. Petersburg.
Lessons on the Double Flute Lessons on the Double Flute
Attic vase by Hieron, from Caere. About 480 B.C.
Flute Playing Flute Playing
On a red-figured Greek vase at St. Petersburg. Fifth century B.C.
Fancy Dancing Fancy Dancing
On a red-figured Greek vase at St. Petersburg. Fifth century B.C.
Woman Dancing in Armour Woman Dancing in Armour
From a red-figure attic vase.
Mycenaean Soldiers Mycenaean Soldiers
Vase fragment from Mycenae.
Siege of a City Acropolis Siege of a City Acropolis
Fragment of a Silver vase from the Acropolis at Mycenae.
Warriors Arming Warriors Arming
On a red-figured attic vase by Duris at Vienna. About 500 B.C.
Greek Warrior Greek Warrior
On an attic vase from Camarina in Siciliy. Fifth century B.C.
Light Armed Soldier Light Armed Soldier
From an attic vase of the fifth century B.C.
Archer Archer
On a black-figured attic vase of the sixth century BC., at Wurzburg.
Archer Archer
Red-figured attic vase from Vulci. In the British Museum. Early fifth century BC.
Archer Archer
On a red-figured attic vase. In the British Museum. About 500 BC.
Persian Soldier Persian Soldier
Figure from the Darius vase. Fourth century B.C.
Greek Warship Greek Warship
On an attic black-figured vase at Berlin. Sixth century B.C.
Etruscan Sheep Etruscan Sheep
Illustration from a vase showing an Etruscan sheep.
The Departure of Achilles The Departure of Achilles
The departure of Achilles from an ancient vase.
Ajax carrying body of Achilles Ajax carrying body of Achilles
Ajax carrying body of Achilles. Attic black figured lekythos, 510-BC, Sicily.
Corinthian Vase Corinthian Vase
An ancient Corinthian vase depicting Perseus Andromeda and Ketos.
Attic Red Figure Pelike Attic Red Figure Pelike
Attic red figure pelike showing Tityos trying to rape his mother Leto.
Funerary Pithos Funerary Pithos
Funerary pithos from the Archaeological Museum in Herakleion.
Arimaspus Fighting Griffin Arimaspus Fighting Griffin
Arimaspus fighting Griffin, from a red figure pelike Kerch vases, 375-350 B.C.
Black Figured Amphora Black Figured Amphora
Black figured amphora with details of Athena Cerberus Heracles, 510 B.C.
Attic white Ground Black Figure Lekythos Attic white Ground Black Figure Lekythos
Attic white ground black figure lekythos with Athena fighting Gigantes.
White Ground Attic Lekythos White Ground Attic Lekythos
White ground attic lekythos with Athena Heracles attacked by Lenaean Hydra, 500-475 BC.
Fragment from Athenian Ostraka Pottery Fragment from Athenian Ostraka Pottery
Fragment from Athenian ostraka pottery with inscribed ostracism, 490`s BC. On display at the ancient Agora Museum in Athens.
Attic Black Figure Amphora with Gorgons Attic Black Figure Amphora with Gorgons
Attic black figure amphora with gorgons at the National Archaeological Museum Athens.
Attic black figure Loutrophoros-Amphora Attic black figure Loutrophoros-Amphora
Attic black figure Loutrophoros-Amphora with details of sirens and wild animals found at the tumuli cemetery of Anagyrus, 600-575 BC, National Archaeological Musuem, Athens.
Attic Red Figure Pelike Attic Red Figure Pelike
Attic red figure pelike with illustration of Pegasus fighting Chimera, 440 BC.
Attic Red Figure Pointe Attic Red Figure Pointe
Attic red figure pointe with Boreas abducting Oreithhyia.
Side A of a Black Figure Amphora Side A of a Black Figure Amphora
Side A of a black figure amphora showing Cadmus fighting a dragon, 560-550 BC.
Black Figure Amphora Black Figure Amphora
Black figure amphora with image of cattle of Geryon.
Attic White Ground Red Figure Lekythos Attic White Ground Red Figure Lekythos
Attic white ground red figure lekythos with illustration of Dexiosis, a solemn handshake.
Detail of a Red Figure Attic Pelike Detail of a Red Figure Attic Pelike
Detail of a red figure attic pelike with Dionysus fighting the giant Eurytos, 460 BC.
Detail from a Vase Detail from a Vase
Dionysos on a panther`s back on the left is Papposilenus holding a tambourine.
Drunk Papposilenus on an Etruscan Red Figure Stamnos Drunk Papposilenus on an Etruscan Red Figure Stamnos
Drunk Papposilenus supported by two young men seen on a detail of an Etruscan red figure Stamnos.
Hyrdria with Plastic Relief Decoration Hyrdria with Plastic Relief Decoration
Hyrdria with plastic relief decoration of Eros playing satyr and maenads, 375-350 BC. From Capua.
Funeral Scene with a Woman Holding a Basket Funeral Scene with a Woman Holding a Basket
Funeral scene with a woman holding a basket. Attic white lekythos, 440-430 BC, Athens.
Funerary Scene Funerary Scene
Funerary scene showing a woman offering a crown to a young boy. An attic white ground lekythos, 440-430 BC.
Attic Black Figured Neck Ampora Attic Black Figured Neck Ampora
Detail from an attic black figured neck amphora, 540 B.C. representing Geryon Orthrus, from Vulci.
Hermes or Phobos in Chariot Hermes or Phobos in Chariot
Hermes of Phobos in Chariot detail from a side A of an attic black figure amphora 530-510 BC from Vulci.
Attic White Ground Lekythos Attic White Ground Lekythos
Attic white ground lekythos with a detail of a young man wrapped in cloak with a woman seated on a tomb, 5th century BC.
Gynaceum Scene Gynaceum Scene
A gynaceum scene shown in a red figure lekythos, 470-460 BC.
Servant Brings Mistress a Box Servant Brings Mistress a Box
Detail from an attic red figure Amphoriskos of a servant bringing a box to a mistress.
Heracles and Hydra Heracles and Hydra
Heracles Iolaus fighting Larnaean Hydra, from an attic black figure amphora.
Heracles binds Cretan Bull Heracles binds Cretan Bull
Heracles binds a cretan bull from a black figure amphora, 510 BC.
Heracles Drives Cerberush Heracles Drives Cerberush
Detail from an attic neck amphora of Heracles driving Cerberush.
Heracles Fighting the Giant Antaeus Heracles Fighting the Giant Antaeus
Face of Heracles on a detail from the main side of a red figure calyx crater wrestling the giant Antaeus, 515-510 BC.
Heracles and a Nemean Lion Heracles and a Nemean Lion
Heracles and a nemean lion shown in a black figures mastos, 535-520 BC.
Herackles and a Namean Lion on a Boetian or Euboean Black Figure Lekythos Herackles and a Namean Lion on a Boetian or Euboean Black Figure Lekythos
Herackles and a namean lion on a Boetian or Euboean black figure lekythos.
Fragment from a Red Figure Calyx Crater Fragment from a Red Figure Calyx Crater
Fragment from a red figure calyx crater showing Heracles and the Nemean lion, 515-510 BC.
Heracles Strangling a Lion Heracles Strangling a Lion
Heracles strangling a lion surrounded by Iolaus. From an attic black figure neck amphora, 520-510 BC, Vulci.
Heracles with Stymphalian Birds Heracles with Stymphalian Birds
Heracles with stymphalian birds shown in a black figure amphora, 500-490 BC.
Heracles and the Nemean Lion Heracles and the Nemean Lion
Heracles and the Nemean lion, 500 BC. From the Museum of Cycldalic Art in Athens.
Heracles and the Nemean Lion Presented in a Vase Heracles and the Nemean Lion Presented in a Vase
Heracles and the Nemean lion shown in a vase.
Heracles Fighting Geryon Heracles Fighting Geryon
Heracles Fighting Geryon. From an attic white ground black figure lekythos.
Attic White Ground Black Figured Oninochoe Attic White Ground Black Figured Oninochoe
Heracles and the Nemean lion on an attic white ground black figured oinochoe.
Hero Cult Epitaph Hero Cult Epitaph
Hero cult epitaph dedicate to Oedipus from the side A of a Lucanian red figure pseudo panathenaic amphora, 380-370 BC, Apulia.
Hippocampe Hippocampe
Side b of a black figure amphora showing the hippocampe.
Detail from a White Ground Black Figure Lekythos Detail from a White Ground Black Figure Lekythos
Detail of a white ground black figure lekythos presenting a lady holding a sandal punishing her white slave.
Detail from a Side A Neck of an Apulian Red Figure Volute Krater Detail from a Side A Neck of an Apulian Red Figure Volute Krater
Detail from a side A neck of an Apulian red figure volute crater, Arimasmus riding a griffin, 340 BC.
Funenary Lekythos Funenary Lekythos
Funerary lekythos made from pentelic marble, 400 BC.
Detail from Red Figured Loutrophoros Detail from Red Figured Loutrophoros
A mourner tearing hair, detail from a red figured loutrophoros, 500-490 BC.
Musa Reading Musa Reading
Detail of a Musa reading volumen scroll, 435-425 BC.
Fragment of an Attic Black Figure Pegasus Fragment of an Attic Black Figure Pegasus
Fragment of an attic black figure Pegasus, end of 6th century BC.
Pelike Promtomai Pelike Promtomai
Pelike protomai of amazon and griffins, Pushkin Museum.
Poseidong Fighitng the Giant Polybotes Poseidong Fighitng the Giant Polybotes
Detail from an attic black figure neck amphora showing Poseidon fighting the giant Polybotes, 540-530 BC.
Funerary Vases Funerary Vases
Funerary vase, proto attic krater with snake ornamentation, 700 BC.
Pygmy Fighting Crane Pygmy Fighting Crane
Detail from a vase, 430-420 BC.
Red Polished South Coast Ware Red Polished South Coast Ware
Red polished south coast ware early Cypriot I period, 2500-2300 BC.
Attic Red Figure Calyx Krater Attic Red Figure Calyx Krater
Attic red figure calyx krater, 375-350 BC from Eretria.
Scene from an Attic White Ground Lekythos Scene from an Attic White Ground Lekythos
Tomb scene from an attic white ground lekythos of a man wearing pilos and a conocal hat seated.
Red Figure Stamnos Red Figure Stamnos
Detail of Troilus threatening Achilles, from a red figure stamnos, 300 BC.
Woman Deckinga a Gravestone Garlands Woman Deckinga a Gravestone Garlands
Detail from an attic white ground lekythos of a woman decking a gravestone garlands.
Bellerphon Fighting Chimera Bellerphon Fighting Chimera
Bellerphon fighting chimera, side A of an attic black figured Siana cup, 575-550 BC.