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Greek Sculpture in Ancient Times

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Ancient Greek Sculpture - Animal Forms

Capitoline Wolf Capitoline Wolf
A bronze statue of Capitoline Wolf.
Gold Bull Head Gold Bull Head
Gold bull head. 15th or 10th century BC from Mycenae.
Terracotta Figurine of a Camel Terracotta Figurine of a Camel
Terracotta figurine of a camel during the Hellenistic period.
Terracotta of a Fire Dog Terracotta of a Fire Dog
Terracotta of a fire dog from the excavation on Satorini.
Female Panther Female Panther
Female panther stand, from a familial tomb of Mnesarette, 360 BC.
Marble Lion Sculpture Marble Lion Sculpture
Funerary marble lion sculpture, 6th century BC or the beginning of the 5th, from the Necropolis of Miletus.
Sculpture of a Horse Sculpture of a Horse
Sculpture of a horse covered with a panthers skin made of pentelic marble, late 4th century BC.
Rattle with a Shape of an Animal Rattle with a Shape of an Animal
Rattle with a shape of an animal Cypro Archaic Period II, 600-480 BC.
Bull Heraklion Bull Heraklion
Terracotta figurine of bull heraklion.