Illustrated Bible History

Ancient Roman Gods - Apollo

The Apollo of Branchidae The Apollo of Branchidae
Bronze statuette in the Louvre.
Apollo Citharoedus Apollo Citharoedus
A statue of Apollo Citharoedus, Vatican.
The Grynean Apollo The Grynean Apollo
The Grynean Apollo, silver coin of Myrina in Aeolis.
A sacrifice to Apollo A sacrifice to Apollo
South Italian Vase painting, in the Jatta Collection at Ruvo, 4th century BC.
Apollo Vediovis Apollo Vediovis
Roman silver coin issued by L.Caesius about 91 BC. In the British Museum.
Sacrifice to Apollo and Cybele Sacrifice to Apollo and Cybele
Relief at Athens of the year 119 B.C.
Apollo Apollo
Illustration of the Roman god, Apollo.
Apollo, The God Of Day Apollo, The God Of Day
An illustration of Apollo, the god of day. He was also considered as the god of music, poetry and all the elegant arts of life, as well as sciences.