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Ancient Scrolls and Texts - Bible

Tyndales New Testament Tyndales New Testament
The only remaining fragment, consisting of 31 leaves of the first edition. The earliest specimen of the printed version of the Scriptures in English.
The Great Bible The Great Bible
The Great Bible (xx. 1-7). AD 1539.
Geneva Bible Geneva Bible
Geneva Bible (Galatians i. 1-12).-AD 1560.
The Rheims New Testament The Rheims New Testament
The Rheims New Testament (Acts xiii. 1-15).- AD 1582.
King James Bible King James Bible
King James Bible: "Authorized Version" (Rev. vi. 1-5).-AD 1611.
The First Oxford Bible The First Oxford Bible
The First Oxford Bible (Psalms civ. 10-18 33-35; cv. 1-4). AD 1675.
Wyclifs Bible Wyclifs Bible
The earlier Wyclifite translation, which was completed about the year 1382.
Books from the Talmud Books from the Talmud
Order of the books from the Talmud.