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Ancient Roman Arts - Vases

The slaying of the Niobids The slaying of the Niobids
The slaying of the Niobids, from a red-figured vase from Orvieto, in the Louvre.
Paris, Helen, Hector, and Andromache Paris, Helen, Hector, and Andromache
Attic vase-painting of the sixth century BC.
Hector and Andromache Hector and Andromache
On a red-figured vase from Vulci, in the British Museum. Fifth Century BC.
Capture of Dolon Capture of Dolon
Attic vase by Euphronios in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Early fifth century BC.
The Parting of Alcestis and Admetus: with two Etruscan Demons The Parting of Alcestis and Admetus: with two Etruscan Demons
Etruscan vase in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Third century BC.
The Sacrifice of Polyxena The Sacrifice of Polyxena
On an attic red-figured vase in Etruria. In the Berlin Museum. Sixth Century BC.
The Sacrifice of Polyxena Relief The Sacrifice of Polyxena Relief
Vase reliefs from Thebes. In the Berlin Museum. Third century BC.
Amazon Amazon
Amazon in the illustration wears a Phrygian cap.
Amazon from an Attic Red-Figured Vase Amazon from an Attic Red-Figured Vase
Amazon from an attic red-figured Vase from Vulci.
Bellerphon Delivering His Letter Bellerphon Delivering His Letter
South Italian red-figured vase painting. About 300 BC.
Cadmus Slays the Dragon Cadmus Slays the Dragon
South Italian red-figure vase painting of the fourth century BC at Naples.
Funeral Procession Funeral Procession
From an attic black-figured vase found at Vulci in Etruria.
Womens Apartment Womens Apartment
Attic vase of the fifth century B.C.
Thronos Thronos
From a black-figured vase. Sixth century BC.
Dorian Girl Dress Dorian Girl Dress
From an attic vase at Rome. Fifth century B.C.
A Scythian Barbarian A Scythian Barbarian
From an attic vase in the Bibiliotheque Nationale, Paris. About 400 BC.
Greek Agriculture Greek Agriculture
From a black-figured Attic cup in the Louvre. Sixth century BC.
Foot Race Foot Race
From an attic vase in the British Museum.
Throwing the Javellin from Vase Throwing the Javellin from Vase
From a black-figured attic vase. In the British Museum.
Hoop Driving Hoop Driving
Red figured-vase painting on a South Italian hydria in the Vatican. Fourth century BC.
Lyre and Plectrum Lyre and Plectrum
From an attic red-figured vase at Catania. Fifth century BC.
Spinning Spinning
From a red-figured attic vase at Orvieto. Fifth century B.C.
Penelope at Her Loom Penelope at Her Loom
On a red-figured attic vase at Chiusi. Fifth century B.C.
Italian Warrior Italian Warrior
South Italian red-figured vase in the British Museum. Third century BC.