Illustrated Bible History

Ancient Bible Customs - Ancient Coins

Tetradachm of Lysimachua Tetradachm of Lysimachua
Tetradachm (attic talent) of Lysimachua, King of Thraces.
Tetradachm of Antiochus III Tetradachm of Antiochus III
Obverse, head of king. Reverse, Basileos Antiochus (King of Antiochus).
Tetradachm of Antiochus IV Tetradachm of Antiochus IV
Obverse, head of King. Reverse, Basileous Antiochus Theos Ephipaneous Nikiphoron.
Augustus Coins Augustus Coins
Coin of Augustus.
Silver Coin of Bruttli Silver Coin of Bruttli
Obverse: Heads of Castor and Pollux. Reverse: Castor and Pollux mounted, advancing to right.
Copper Coin of Cyprus Copper Coin of Cyprus
Copper coin of Cyrus under Emperor Claudius.
Isthmian Crowns Isthmian Crowns
Coin with Isthmian Crowns.
Shekel of Israel Shekel of Israel
Shekel of Israel.
Ancient Coin Ancient Coin
Ancient coin during the Persian rule.
Ancient Coin Ancient Coin
An ancient coin.
Ancient Coin Having the King of Persia Ancient Coin Having the King of Persia
Obv.: King of Persia kneeling bearing a bow and a javelin. Rev.: Irregular incuse square.
Ancient Coin Ancient Coin
Ancient coin illustration.
Ancient Coin Bearing an Anchor Ancient Coin Bearing an Anchor
Ancient coin bearing an anchor.
Ancient Coin Bearing the State Umbrella Ancient Coin Bearing the State Umbrella
Ancient coin bearing the state umbrella.
Silver Coin of Tiberius Caesar Silver Coin of Tiberius Caesar
Silver coin of Tiberius Caesar.
Persian Gold Daric Persian Gold Daric
Persian gold daric.
Double Shekkel Double Shekkel
Double shekkel or octadrachum of Sidon.
Illustration of a Persian Gold Daric Illustration of a Persian Gold Daric
Persian gold daric.
Tetradachm of Ptolemy Tetradachm of Ptolemy
Tetradachm of Ptolemy.
Shekkel Shekkel
Shekkel of tetradachm of Tyre.
Image of the Tetradachm of Ptolemy Image of the Tetradachm of Ptolemy
Tetradachm of Ptolemy.
Small Bronze of John Hyracanus Small Bronze of John Hyracanus
Small bronze of John Hyracanus.
Tetradachm of Antiochus Epiphanes Tetradachm of Antiochus Epiphanes
Tetradachm of Antiochus Epiphanes.
Small Bronze of Alexander Janneus Small Bronze of Alexander Janneus
Small bronze of Alexander Janneus.
Bronze Coin of Herod the Great Bronze Coin of Herod the Great
Bronze coin of Herod the Great.
Shekkel or Tetradachm of Tyre Shekkel or Tetradachm of Tyre
Shekkel or tetradachm of Tyre.
A Bronze Coin of Herod the Great A Bronze Coin of Herod the Great
A bronze coin of Herod the Great.
Bronze Coin of Agrippa Bronze Coin of Agrippa
Bronze coin of Agrippa.
Bronze Coin of Herod Antipas Bronze Coin of Herod Antipas
Bronze coin of Herod Antipas.
A Bronze Coin of Agrippa A Bronze Coin of Agrippa
A bronze coin of Agrippa.
Small Bronze of Pontius Pilate Small Bronze of Pontius Pilate
Small bronze of Pontius Pilate.
Denarius of Tiberius Denarius of Tiberius
Denarius of Tiberius.
Bronze Coin of Pontius Pilate Bronze Coin of Pontius Pilate
Bronze coin of Pontius Pilate.
Half Shekkel Half Shekkel
Half shekkel of year A.D 66-67.
Shekkel of AD 70 Shekkel of AD 70
Shekkel of AD 70.
Half Shekkel of AD 66-67 Half Shekkel of AD 66-67
Half shekkel of year A.D 66-67.
Aureus of Titus Aureus of Titus
Coin of Aureus of Titus.
Drachm of Caesaria Cappadocia Drachm of Caesaria Cappadocia
Drachm of Caesaria Cappadocia
Denarius of Trajan Denarius of Trajan
Denarius of Trajan, restruck.
Original Coin of Trajan and Herod Antipas Original Coin of Trajan and Herod Antipas
Original of Trajan`s denarius and Herod Antipas.
Tetradachm of Anitoch Tetradachm of Anitoch
Tetradachm of Antioch.
Bronze Coin of the Second Revolt Bronze Coin of the Second Revolt
Bronze coin of the second revolt.
Jewish Shekel Jewish Shekel
Jewish shekel.