Antiquities of the Ancient World

Antiquities from the Ancient World
(Dealers around the world)

Venus Galleries in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Venus Galleries presents ancient treasures from the Holy Land including ancient pottery, oil lamps, ancient roman glass, biblical coins and artifacts.

Apolonia Ancient World Arts

Fine antiquities from the ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cultures; Pre-Columbian art from the Americas; Objects of art from Asia and the Far East; Tribal and European works of art.

Artemis Gallery

Artemis Gallery houses an extensive collection of genuine museum quality artifacts spanning a myriad of ages and cultures, encompassing both the Old World and the New. Artemis Gallery specializes in the following departments; Egyptian, Biblical, and Near Eastern, Etruscan, Greek, and Roman, African and Tribal, Pre-Columbian, Pacific Asian, Numismatics, African and Tribal.

Relics of the Nile

"Relics of the Nile" unveils a captivating journey through the treasures and mysteries of ancient Egypt, one of history's most intriguing civilizations. This collection of relics showcases artifacts that have withstood the test of time, offering a tangible connection to the lives, beliefs, and achievements of the people who once thrived along the Nile River.

From intricate jewelry and ornate statues to inscribed tablets and ceremonial objects, these relics bear witness to the ingenuity and spiritual devotion of the ancient Egyptians. Each artifact tells a story, whether it's about the grandeur of pharaohs, the intricacies of daily life, or the reverence for gods and the afterlife.

"Relics of the Nile" invites you to explore the cultural heritage of Egypt through a diverse array of objects that span centuries. As you examine these relics, you gain insights into the artistic, technological, and spiritual advancements of an ancient civilization that continues to captivate and inspire curiosity to this day.

Read The Bible


Welcome to Free Bible: Unearthing the Past, Illuminating the Present! Step into a world where ancient history and biblical narratives intertwine, inviting you to explore the rich tapestry of human civilization.

Discover the captivating stories of forgotten empires, delve into the customs and cultures of our ancestors, and witness the remarkable findings unearthed by dedicated archaeologists.

Immerse yourself in a treasure trove of knowledge, where the past comes alive and illuminates our understanding of the present.

Join us on this extraordinary journey through time, where curiosity is rewarded and ancient mysteries await your exploration.

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