The Life of Jesus in Harmony | Index


CA'NA (ka'na).

"Cana of Galilee," a name found in the gospel of John only, but in such references no clue is given as to its locality; supposed to be near Capernaum.

It was the birthplace of Nathanael (Jn 21:2) and honored as the scene of Christ's first recorded miracle (2:1,11; 4:46).

North of Nazareth lie the two sites that have at various times been regarded as representing Cana of Galilee. The one is the Christian village of Kefr Kenna, about four miles NE of Nazareth, accepted before the Crusades as the true site; the other site is Khirbet, four or five miles farther N. Though the former is usually pointed out to tourists as the true site, scholars are increasingly leaning to acceptance of the latter.