The Life of Jesus in Harmony | Index


One who tills the soil and raises food. Terms in the Bible which refer to farmer include plowman (Is 28:24>, husbandman (KJV), vinedresser (Is 61:5), gardener (Jn 20:15), and tiller (Gen 4:2).

This was one of the major occupations of the ancient Hebrews, along with shepherding. The farmer of ancient times was responsible for all aspects of farming. All the plowing, planting, tending, and harvesting was done by the farmer and his family. More prosperous farmers were able to hire helpers for their farm.

In the New Testament a farmer is one who owns the land or rents it and raises crops (Mt 21:33). In (Jn 15:1-8), Jesus refers to Himself as the true vine and His Father as the vinedresser.