.php lang="en"> Ebih-II, the Superintendent of Mari   (Bible History Online)

Ebih-II, the Superintendent of Mari

Ebih-II, the Superintendent of Mari

Statuette of Ebih-II, the Superintendent of Mari

This alabaster statuette depicts Ebih II the superintendent (minister of finances) of the kingdom of Mari in the middle Euphrates region.

Louvre Excerpt

Ebih-Il, the Superintendent of Mari
Mari, (Middle Euphrates):Temple of Ishtar
Around 2400 BC
Statuette, alabaster
H 0.52 m
AO 17551


"Civilization of the Sumerian type dominated the whole of Semite Mesopotamia, particularly Mari, modern day Tell Hariri in Syria, explored from 1933 onwards by André Parrot, and in our own time by Jean Margueron. Here, statuary developed rapidly from the middle of the third millennium, and with a marked originality in comparison with the South. A cheerful optimism distinguishes it sharply from the severe expressions connected to the angular stylization of the preceding epoch, illustrated by the statuette of Ginak. The "superintendent" was in fact more the equivalent of a Minister of Finance. He had himself portrayed in the fur skirt which is rendered with remarkable realism revealing the "kaunakès" in the style shown for example on the Urnanshe relief." - Louvre

Genesis 15:7 - And he said unto him, I [am] the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.

Ebih-II, the Superintendent of Mari

Copyright © 2001 The Louvre Louvre Musée

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