Plain of Esdraelon Megiddo

E6 on the Map

Map of the Ancient Plain of Esdraelon(Megiddo). The plain of Esdralon (Greek form of `Jezreel used in Greek writers (Judith 1:8) for general area of Plain of Megiddo), extends across the breadth of the entire country, between Mount Carmel, Mount Gilboa and the hills of lower Galilee. The Kishon River runs through the whole length of the valley to the Mediterranean Sea. The plain of Esdralon, or the Great Valley, was very important for relationship between the coast and the countries to the north and east. Some of the greatest battles in history of the world have been fought here. The Bible records battles such as the battle between Deborah and Jabin, king of Hazor (Judg 4-5); and between Saul and the Philistines (1 Sam 29:1; 31:1 ff); and between Josiah and Pharaoh Necho of Egypt (II Kings 23:29-30).

During the Hellenistic period the Ptolemies built large estates on this fertile plain, and from that time forward it remained in the hands of the rulers. The plain of Jezreel was conquered by the Maccabees and later formed a part of Herod's kingdom.

2 Chr. 35:22; Zech. 12:11. See Megiddo and Valley of Jezreel