.php lang="en"> The City of Capernaum in the Time of Jesus - The Life of Jesus in Harmony with Background (Free Bible)

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T he City of Capernaum, in the Time of Jesus

Matthew 4:13 And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zebulun and Naphthali:

During the time of Jesus Capernaum was a city in the far north along the northwestern shores of the Sea of Galilee, near the Jordan River that flowed into it. It was the home of Andrew and Peter (Mk 1:29) who were fishermen. It is interesting that although Jesus was raised in Nazareth, the Bible calls Capernaum his home (Matthew 4:13; Mark 2:1). It must've been a considerable city during Jesus's time because it was a customs station, and it was here that Jesus called Matthew to leave his tax collecting and to come and follow him. There was a synagogue also at Capernaum, which was built by a Roman centurion (Luke 7), this could indicate that there was a station of Roman soldiers nearby. The son of a Roman officer who lived in Capernaum was also healed. Jesus rebuked the people of Capernaum because of their lack of faith, after seeing the many works he did there and hearing his teachings. (Matthew 11:23-24).

IN the days of Our Saviour, Capernaum was one of the chief cities of Galilee. There is no mention of it prior to the Babylonish captivity. It was situated on the north-west shore of the Sea of Galilee, about five miles from the entrance of the Jordan into that sheet of water, and on the great route of travel from Damascus to the Mediterranean. Jesus seems to have made it his residence during the three years of his ministry on earth, and it was also the home of the Apostles Andrew and Peter. It was the scene of many of the Lord's miracles, and had thus a glorious opportunity offered it; but it rejected the Lord Jesus, and its doom was sealed. The name of the city lives only in the sacred narrative, and its site is so obliterated that writers can only speculate concerning it. Dr. Robinson believes the true site to be at Khan Minyeb, on the northern border of the plain of Gennesaret. Wilson, Ritter, and Grove, locate it at Tell Hiim, higher up on the Lake. - Ancient Geography

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A reconstruction drawing of the remains of the synagogue at Capernaum discovered at Tell Hum (ruins of a Jewish village and Synagogue at Capernaum).

Historical Notes

- CA'PER'NAUM (ka-per-na-um; Heb. "Town of Nahum").

- Ancient Capernaum was situated in the region of Galilee and was about 20 miles northeast of Nazareth.

- The exact location of ancient Capernaum is uncertain.

- The doom pronounced against Capernaum and the other unbelieving cities (Mt. 11:23) has been remarkably fulfilled. The town has completely disappeared. The site is still a matter of debate.

Related Topics: Capernaum, Sea of Galilee, Jesus, Peter, Andrew, Galilee, Matthew, Roman Centurion, Tax Collector, Fishermen.


Map of Israel in the Time of Matthew
Map of Israel in the Time of Jesus


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