.php lang="en"> Herod the Great - The Life of Jesus in Harmony with Background (Bible History Online)

The Life of Jesus in Harmony
Harmony of the Gospels Outline of the Life of Jesus Glossary of Definitions


An Outline of the Life of Jesus  
H erod the Great

Historical Notes

- Herod the Great was born around 73 BC in Edom.

- His father was Antipater, an Idumean. Mother was Cypros.

- He became a Roman citizen in 47 BC.

-  Antipater appointed him the military governor of the region of Galilee.

-  Antipater made Herod responsible for removing any rebels.

- Herod was very shrewd and he pleased the Romans.

- in 41 BC Mark Antony bestowed the title of tetrarch to Herod and his brother Phasael. Herod became insecure and fled to Rome in 40 BC.

- Herod went to Rome in 40 BC because of his insecurity and Marc Antony gave him the title "King of Judea" and Herod returned with the Army of Rome in 37 BC.

Octavian (the future emperor Augustus) defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. Herod shrewdly maintained the favor of Octavian and his allegiance to Rome, and remained  king of Judea.

- Herod did whatever it would take to win the favor of the Emperor Augustus. He Hellenized his court any founded the cities of Sebaste (Samaria) and Caesarea, with its fine port.

- Herod also built fortresses and palaces, including his palace fortress at Masada, and his magnificent new Temple in Jerusalem.

- King Herod also presided at the Olympic Games.

- He was despised by his family. He finally ordered the death of his favorite wife Mariamne, and even her mother, because he thought they were plotting against him.

- Herod killed many prominent Rabbis.

- He was a dictator with a private army.

-  The Jews and the Sanhedrin hated him and wished for his death.

-  To the Jews King Herod was a detested foreigner and usurped his authority over the Hasmonean descendants.

- Herod even killed his young brother-in-law, the high priest Aristobulus.

- Just before he died he had three of his own sons executed because they sought his throne.

- It is easy to imagine such a man ordering the massacre of all male infants in Bethlehem because of a rumor that one had been born "King of the Jews."

-  King Herod died in 4 BC at Jericho, he was 69 years old.

- He was buried in Judea.

- His children were: Antipas, Archelaus, Philip, and more.

- His wives were: Doris, Mariamne I, Mariamne II, Malthace, and Cleopatra of Jerusalem.

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